In a previous post ( The Holy Bible First in Science ) I endeavored to show that the Bible is relevant, if not completely trustworthy when it comes to science. If the evidence given was not sufficient, or not enough to overcome presupposition and prejudice, I suggest, (Apologetics Press), is a good place to start if you are wanting to be factually convinced. I bring this up to make the point; if the critics of Biblical scripture are wrong about the scientific veracity of the Holy Bible, they could be just as wrong claiming Biblical Christianity is a detriment to the equality of women.
Before I make a Biblical case for gender equality I would like to state why the equality of women is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and a absolute necessity in a free and just society. It was often said in the 1960s; "a society can be judged by it's treatment of it's most disadvantaged citizens". Not only is the equality of women the great civil rights issue of our time, it has been in the past and will be until Jesus returns. The rights of children the elderly the poor and the handicapped are derivatives of women's rights. The political voice of women is essential to arrive at a just and fair foreign and domestic policy. Women and their children are the most adversely affected by war, poverty and the lack of justice.
Many of the problems in the Muslim world could be solved by simply granting women there the basic civil liberties enjoyed by men. Women's equality does not erode religious liberty. When a woman like a man is free to apply her faith to her public conduct, society reaps the benefit. There are vast differences of opinion among both male and females of all faiths on a woman's role in society, the home and the church. The only way to guarantee religious liberty ( which is the foundation of all liberties ) is to give all citizens male and female equal protection under the law and to not prohibit women in any way from participating in secular society, or violating her religious beliefs by being forced to behave in a way that does not recognize the differences in the way God created us.
As a former Protestant Pastor and a person who often attends Catholic services for the peace, beauty and tranquility I find there. I know the arguments claiming the Bible discriminates against women. As a pastor I allowed women to speak in my church and I grappled with the verses commanding men to take that initiative themselves. I was aware of the verses that differentiated the roles in society and worship of the genders. Many had cultural and historical caveats. Others were to address problems between married couples that did not need to be played out in church, and some were to provide order and structure just as is commanded in our duty to secular society.
I do not claim to have a perfect answer for every controversial verse that addresses the difference between male and female. However I know the Bible teaches God is no respecter of persons and the apostles taught that in Christianity there is no male or female, free or slave, Jew or Gentile. Only believers and unbelievers. The apostles also taught men to love and honor their wives. To respect, serve and sacrifice for the women around them. The Bible promotes liberty and justice and to treat all people the way we ourselves want to be treated and the fact is the Bible makes no distinction in this area when it comes to gender.
Historically where ever the Bible is read and revered the plight of women and others has vastly improved. I could give numerous verses and examples from scripture and history that prove Biblical Christianity promotes the equality and liberty of women. I would rather encourage both men and women to seek the God of the Bible and read for themselves how gracious Christ is and how much He cares about the liberty and well being of all people.
Wesley Jones