There is a general rule that applies to how we justify and defend our actions. When we are acting in accord with what we know to be true, and in line with Biblical teaching, there is a self satisfaction that doesn't need to prohibit or punish every view contrary to the one we hold to. Christianity works both privately and corporately because it seeks to win those in disagreement not destroy them. However if we hold an opinion that disregards Biblical scripture and is at odds with our God given moral sensibilities, the more we will find it necessary to censor or silence any opposing view.
If we are in power we will protect our error with the law and sword. If not we will protect it with slander and defamation of character. In my study of history I saw this pattern play out over and over in politics, in the struggle for religious liberty, in church, science, morality and social justice. The view that was furthest from Biblical truth was often the most violent, extreme and oppressive. I would like to mention a few historical examples in this post.
When Jesus Christ came upon the scene He was received gladly by the common people. He fulfilled dozens of Old Testament prophecies. Yet the Pagan secular and Jewish religious leaders of the day for reasons of envy as well as the fear of loss of prestige, money and position, mostly rejected Him. They tolerated all kinds of religious views and practices without persecuting them. However Jesus was different. His claims were backed by the Holy scriptures.Christ was eventually crucified His followers harassed and martyred for almost 400 years, and they still are in many parts of the world today. The fact is; Jesus Christ and His apostles, including Paul after his conversion, never had anyone arrested and/or spilled blood in any way while promoting their view of faith.
When promoting truth, liberty is your ally. When protecting error, freedom is an enemy..It is no accident that the freest and most advanced societies in history have been built on a Biblical and Christian foundation. Before the Bible was widely read and understood there were setbacks, but for the most part historically Biblical Christianity did not need to prohibit other views, it only needed liberty and a forum to promote the truth. On the other hand . Error can not thrive in the light of liberty. Neither can it prosper if truth is allowed to sit at the same table..
During the Scopes trial Clarence Darrow the lawyer for John Scopes, and the evolutionary position, made the argument " to not allow either creation or evolution a seat at the academic table would be a terrible blow to free speech." He was right. It was a smart defense because science had already, (especially in the area of genetics and biology), had proven macro-evolution a farce. The victory evolutionists eventually won ( although not at that trial ) was not enough. Because evolution is in error it can not allow truth at the same table.Since the 1970s cell biology, newer dating methods, discoveries in geology, archeology, and paleontology have drove nail after nail in evolution's coffin. Yet because no victory or concession is ever enough for those who promote this error, evolution's corpse sits alone at origin's table. No dissent allowed!
Prior to the French revolution atheists and the irreligious demanded a spot in French politics. When the revolution was under way they gained control. The result was the murder of thousands of French nobles and clerics, bishops and cardinals. The Communists in the twentieth century demanded a seat at the table. When they got it they seized control. Because their politics were based on envy and atheism, millions of innocent people died as a result.
Historically, causes that are antithetical to Biblical teaching are never satisfied with equal treatment. They must dominate and eradicate those who oppose or disagree with them. They are not satisfied with having an equal opportunity to bring their argument to the public square. Neither is rejection of their argument an option for everyone else. My advice to anyone thinking of promoting a cause or behavior that the Bible warns us about....Think and study long and hard... The precedents set by those who thought they knew more and better than the God of the Holy Bible are not good ones. They often led to misery and death for their fellowman.
Wesley Jones
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