In the early part of the twentieth century " higher criticism" ( debunking the Bible ) was all the rage in the universities across the western world.. For centuries the Bible had been the under pinning of western civilization..It offered a moral code of conduct and a foundation for reason, politics and philosophy..There was no place more adept at creating doubt about the Biblical God than the top universities in pre-World War Two Germany...Because what one believes is morally acceptable governs all aspects of our lives, it is impossible to be devoid of moral opinions and still be able to function.
The Nazis and Marxists moved in quickly to fill the void in Europe. Richard Wurmbrand the founder of , The Voice Of The Martyrs said his communist captors often reminded him during torture; there is no God, no punishment for evil, no reward for good, we can do what we want. As Europe and the United States, (in a lesser degree), forget and unravel their Biblical foundations looking in vain for moral neutrality. Other world views such as Islam and militant socialism stand in the wings waiting to fill the void..
Many if not most of the criticisms of the Bible taught in the twentieth century have been answered by science and Biblical apologists..Historically the Bible still remains the only moral system of thought that has yet to build anything close to a free and just society. The sermon on the mount, the golden rule, the ten commandments were the foundations western society was built upon. As we in ignorance of history move further from our Biblical roots. I am afraid we are heading for the religious tyranny of Islam, or a pagan-atheist, socialist totalitarianism.
Christianity when not controlled by government and lived according to the Bible not only promotes a just society, but also a free one as well..
Wesley Jones
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