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Top Stories Defend Your Position: I Am Not A Prophet ; But I Have A Hope And A Vision For My Country

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I Am Not A Prophet ; But I Have A Hope And A Vision For My Country

    The Bible tells us if  someone prophesies in the name of God and what they predict does not come to pass, the people are not to fear them...I have thought I knew God's will many times and said so, only to be dead wrong..God's ways are far above and beyond my capabilities to comprehend..However  the Bible also tells us without a hope and a vision the people perish..For there to be a hope for a better day, someone must possess a dream or a vision that things can be better and can move forward..Not only a vision is needed but there needs to be people who are willing to work and sacrifice to see that vision come to pass..
    I believe the apostle Paul when he said; In Christ there is no Jew or gentile, bond nor free, male or female. We are all loved by and important to the God of the Bible. However, God knows the beginning from the end. He knows what nations, people and individuals will serve or reject him.. Nations and their leaders have been raised up and thrown down according to their obedience to the God of the Holy Bible..I believe the prosperity and freedom we enjoy in present day America is built upon our founders belief in, and obedience to the Biblical Christ..The Vision and aspirations  I have for my people and my country are based rightly or wrongly on what is contained in the book of Romans chapters 10 and 11..
     Not only is the Holy Bible a revelation of God and his Son, ( our Messiah ), it is the history of the Jewish people and the nation of Israel..God deals with other nations in the light of their relationship with the God of Israel..Not only in the past and present but also the future..The salvation of Gentile people and nations, according to the apostle Paul has as it's main objective to provoke Israel (both people and nation ) to jealousy that they might be saved and come to knowledge of their Messiah, Jesus Christ.
    Moses in the Old Testament and the apostle Paul in the New Testament prophesied that God would not only raise up a people, but also a nation that He would bless in such a way that it would provoke the Jewish people to jealously and anger, and they would begin to seek the Christian Messiah...I believe the people Paul and Moses were referring to are Gentile Christians..As far as the nation they referred to...It is my hope and dream that my country the United States will fulfill that prophesy...
     The apostle Paul went on to say in Romans 11:11  I say then has Israel stumbled that they should fall? God forbid; but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy....Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their salvation........In other words when Israel rejected Jesus as Messiah salvation and blessing came to the Gentiles...If their rejection of Christ became a blessing to the Gentile world..How much more blessing will come to the world when they accept Christ..The apostle Paul put it this way in verse 15 ...For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead..
    I say all this to give some substance to my hopes and dreams for the United States...We can continue our drift into moral chaos or strive to become the nation so blessed by God it even provokes Israel to an angry jealousy..A revival so thorough and nation wide it would give God the latitude to bless and prosper us in unprecedented ways..If a revival here in the States could provoke one among the Jewish population and Israel, it would become a catalyst for world wide revival and a blessing to all nations...
   We can give our country and the world over to evil with no hope of redemption. Or we can work towards something the Bible not only says is possible, but even desirable...

                                            Wesley Jones


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