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Top Stories Defend Your Position: December 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Energy, Environment And Economics

   There is a general rule that applies to today's world when it comes to pollution of our environment. It is counter intuitive, yet the statistics support it. The less prosperous a nation is, the greater the negative impact per person on the global environment. Large poor or emerging nations produce the most pollution. With that in mind I think any rational energy policy has to consider what is the best and most effective way to encourage the production of wealth in all nations. When an energy policy restricts or hampers economic progress it is exacerbating the pollution problems that already exist..The richer a nation's citizens are; they invariably are more empowered to protect the environment in which they and their families live.
   Promoting economic prosperity and political freedom is the first step towards a healthy living environment, for all the peoples of the world. If an energy policy is to narrow or impatient in its scope, it becomes a greater polluter and inhibitor of environmental progress than no policy at all. When we look at the prosperous nations who consume more resources than underdeveloped nations; they are almost universally a healthier and environmentally safer place to live. Policies that are proposed that weaken the worlds economies should be rejected off hand. A free market in a politically free nation is the greatest safeguard against catastrophic harm to our environment..
   As far as what fuel we should use, subsidize or prohibit, the market is a much better arbiter than a small group of people who may, or may not have a vested political or economic interest in any decision.. Because all people have to live, work and raise their families somewhere, they are in the best position to make those decisions. Freedom of information, freedom to choose and remove leaders, freedom to make our own informed decisions is our environment's best protection.
   There is a role government can play in this debate. It is their duty to protect us from those who have no regard for our safety and existing laws. It is not government's job to choose for us what is in our best environmental, and economic self interest. Government's job is to make sure all technologies have a chance to prove their merit, and a fair market place in which they are allowed to prosper or fail based on that merit. To let someone else make all our decisions is not only bad for us, but potentially catastrophic for our environment.
   One thing I am certain of;  the poorer we are the less options we will have...The more of our money we keep in our own country by developing our existing energy resources, the more we will have to spend on finding cleaner, cheaper and more efficient sources of fuel..The government can help us, and our environment by making it easy and cheap for us to produce and sell our own home produced energy..Subsidies are not the answer; removing as many government imposed financial and regulatory barriers as possible is..WE CAN PRODUCE OUR OWN ENERGY AND PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT !  All we need is to elect politicians that will let us do it..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Very Certain And Quick Fix To Our Countries Economic Problems..BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS MADE IN USA !!

  While we still have some manufacturing capabilities, and the Jobs that go with them; I think it is time for Americans to think in the long term when considering a purchase for Christmas. There are shops in our cities big and small that specialize in selling products exclusively made in foreign and exotic places. Why some one does not do the same with American made products bewilders me...They could call it  America-Mart or something similar. Government label laws set a standard that must be met before anyone can label a product Made in America. It would not be hard to find items that most of their parts were assembled or manufactured in the United States .
   Until some entrepreneurs finally see the value in this, there are things all of us can do. First before you buy anything for Christmas search for an American version of that product. You may be surprised, many American made products are cheaper because of automation and have higher quality standards. Even if the USA product is not cheaper your choice to spend a few extra cents will keep Americans employed..If you can not find the gift you want that is made in USA, ask the clerks or managers to help you..If enough of us demand and buy USA products all our stores will stock and display them as USA products..
   We can only compete with cheap labor if we can manufacture in volume. OUR American businesses need the volume that comes from their fellow citizens. Charity begins at home..We are already the greatest consumers of foreign made goods..If we began to consume our own goods we will be rich enough to consume even more from other places, it is a win, win for everyone. Buy USA products for Christmas gifts!! You may just help more people in your country and the rest of the world than you can even imagine.. Demand your local retailers stock and label USA made products.. If enough of us do it the recession will be a distant memory real quick..

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sane and Compassionate Unemployment Insurance..

  In the 1930s the federal government encouraged the states to partner with them to enact a national unemployment program. It consists of a payroll tax that insures laid off workers have a chance to pay at least some of their bills, and feed their families while they look for work. It has grown in the amount of money the laid off worker receives, and the duration they can receive those benefits. Naturally the payroll tax has grown also; adding to the cost of doing business.
   As is the case with all kinds of insurance, I believe the cost of  a benefit should be paid by the recipient of those benefits. The exception being if an employer voluntarily chooses to pay for insurance to attract, and maintain a quality work force. If the unemployment program is run correctly it will be in the best interest of both employee and the employer to voluntarily participate in the program. The way it is run now it is punitive towards employers and discourages initiative in the employee. How many new businesses would have been created if we had a more rational unemployment insurance program..I started 2 businesses when I was laid off from jobs I had with  large employers. I also did many odd jobs in areas were the market was being neglected..
    I realize not everyone will have the opportunity, or skills to start a business if they are laid off; but many do and the program should encourage that kind of behavior. It should also have a plan for helping those who can not find or create employment. The goal is to keep people fed and sheltered until they get on their feet again, not to provide an alternative to working and seeking employment. I have some suggestions I think could help.
   We do not need a one size fits all insurance program for unemployment, any more than we need it in insuring our homes or car..If employers and employees are given a choice in how much coverage they wanted to purchase. Employers could purchase a plan that would allow their employees to not  have to seek other employment while on temporary layoff. This would save the companies a lot of money, and effort in retraining employees. It would save the workers the cost of seeking work or retraining..If employees paid for and chose their own plan. They could set up a time frame that would allow them to return to school if laid off, or give their new business enough time to start producing income.
   Of course the federal and state governments in times of recession might have to subsidise the insurance, so not to over burden employers and working people who still have jobs..The generic approach on length of time one can receive benefits could be open ended.. If the benefits were gradually reduced after a specified time. The laid off worker would eventually qualify for food stamps and other government relief given to the poor. Those who chose not to have employment insurance would immediately be put on welfare rolls that have already been amended by the Clinton administration. Welfare reform now promotes the seeking of employment and discourages dependence..This would leave the rest of the economy free from a burden they would be overwhelmed by..
   The choice of plans voluntarily paid for by employees or employers, and a gradual reduction of benefits until you were eligible for welfare and food stamps; would encourage people to seek work and/or retrain and gain more skills..Allowing choice and promoting individual responsibility is what will fix our unemployment system..Both are compassionate, and effective elements needed to help and encourage the unemployed..

Monday, December 6, 2010

Some Ideas I think Might Help In Tough Economic Times.

  My generation of Americans has seen prosperity unlike anything that has been seen before. We have seen recessions and economic down turns; but in this country we have not had to endure a crushing depression or mass starvation. Both types of  economies in the past have known both.. The over regulated and the under regulated have known total economic collapse. One of the reasons our generation has been spared is because of our mixed economy. We have had safety nets, so when the poverty caused by economic fluctuations happens it does not snowball  uphill and decimate the middle class. At least not as fast or last as long..Too much government involvement can cause as much economic hardship as not having any.
   I am an economic conservative. I believe business should be as free as possible both financially and in regulatory policy. However allowing monopolies, unfair labor practices, and consumer fraud, violates a greater principle. It is government's duty to protect the average citizen from the predatory and unscrupulous; but we can go overboard  in trying to mitigate the sting of failure and fraud. To be free, is to be allowed to fail as well as not being punished for succeeding..To be free we must trust our fellow citizens and businesses will obey the existing laws until proven otherwise. To be free means, we are not punished, or regulated, or loose freedoms because of the conduct of others.
   The Bible teaches God set up government to punish those who do evil and reward those who do right..In layman's terms. Government's job is to protect it's citizens and their reward, ( legitimately gained prosperity). It is also has a duty to protect  the fruits of doing right from those who do not want to live and prosper by legitimate or legal means. I think we all want to help those who are less fortunate with our taxes and/or charity. But it is not governments job to make everyone financially equal. Not all labor, effort, products, risk or diligence is equal.
   To take the fruits of someones labor who has legally prospered and give it to someone else; should not be done without a lot of thought, and respect for the effort that person expended in acquiring that wealth. People Should not be taxed to make others their financial equal. They should be taxed to protect their rights, property and help them with commerce ( infrastructure), and safeguard them and their families from destitution and catastrophe.
  What is a fair tax? That is a tough question. I have searched the history books and economic theories for the answer. I have found no better answer than I found in the Bible. A flat tax not unlike how the Israelites funded their theocracy..I have come to believe a flat tax has been  rejected on all sides because either it is what was used in the Bible, or seems too simple an answer to such a contentious subject. Before someone dismisses the idea please give me a chance. I can defend my position with reason and commonsense.
    Since all who live and work in our country share the benefit of our various governments. All individuals should be expected to pay for those benefits equally..( an equal amount according to their ability to pay) this should be applied no matter what the source of their income.. The only tax exemptions allowed should be dependents PERIOD!  The self employed would be taxed on their bankable net income....Example:  A labor makes $300 dollars a week, a professional makes $3000 a week ...Their state tax liability is 5% and their federal tax liability is 5% .. the laborer would pay 15$ to the state and 15 $ to the fed gov.per week. totaling $30.The professional would pay 150$ to the state and 150$ to the Fed. Gov...per week. totaling $300 per week.
      The weekly tax liability for the laborer is $30...The weekly tax liability for the professional is $300.. That is TEN times more than the laborer pays. If that is not a progressive and fair tax I do not think there can be one...The laborer yearly would pay $1560 in state and federal taxes and be given a combined $500 exemption for each member of his family which consists of him, his wife and child, totaling $1500 his tax liability for state and federal government totals 60$ out of a yearly income of  $15600..........The professionals yearly state and federal tax liability is $15600, he is given the same deductions as the laborer for his family of three..His total state and federal tax liability  for one year is $14,100 out of a yearly income of  $156,000..with a flat tax a $300 a week laborer pays 60$ a year and a 3000$ a week professional pays $14,100 a year..
   If this system of taxation was applied there would be no need to tax any business of any kind..they would be free to pay more to employees and  investors, therefore  increasing tax revenue. If not taxed business could expand and replace outdated machinery...Hire more people and provide more perks for their employees. Our tax code would be so simple a first grader could do their parents tax returns; no need for a massive IRS bureaucracy...The tax rates would automatically adjust themselves when your income changed, and there would be no need for contentious legislation....Sometimes the best and most fair solutions are the simplest ones.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Partisan or Patriot ?

    When I talk about politics the first thing I want people to understand is; I do not think of myself as being above it all. I have favorites, and hold political views I deem as sacred, or at least very important. However I can say, I value my country more than the success of any political faction. I know enough about government and history to know if the party I am registered with, or any other party for that matter, wins every single election it will not be long before we become a one party tyranny.
   One of my favorite politicians of all time is, John Quincy Adams. He was generally despised in his day, even by his own party, almost as much as the opposing one. Not so much for what Adams did, but what he refused to do..He refused to support things he thought were not in his country's best interest. Even if those things were purposed by his own party.
   Adams being a true patriot, knew governing included compromise; he understood every issue is not an all or nothing choice. What I admired most was his willingness to help other factions achieve worthwhile things for his country. He did not care who got the credit as long as his country got the benefit. I am sure there are those historians who are unable to look past his very human faults. One thing any honest person would admit; John Quincy Adams for the most part did what he thought best for our nation even if it meant being hated by his own party or an opposing one. His lack of success was not due to lack of knowing and trying to do what was best for his country. It was due to partisan jealousies..
   In my assessment patriotism is not defending a policy I believe harmful, or even immoral. Because my party or my country promote something, does not make it right. However I feel it is my patriotic duty to defend our process, and constitution, even if it does not always produce the results I want, or think best. To me true patriotism is a humility that acknowledges the combined electorate very well may know more than me as an individual. Our founding fathers shared this view. They gave us a democratic republic; where no one individual is treated as the final arbiter of truth. We have a system that benefits from the collective knowledge of the people, and does not rest on the judgement of a single person or party.
    Without humility and a willingness to compromise, we can become obstacles to the collective wisdom of our fellow citizens. Our job is not to destroy those with whom we disagree. If we believe we are right and those who oppose us are wrong. It is our patriotic duty to convince them, or inform the electorate of the worthiness of our cause. All of us need to  always approach politics with the knowledge, that we ourselves are not infallible. Freedom protects us and others when we have wrong ideas, as well as when we promote right ones.  Many mistakenly believe our Lord and Savior's admonitions concerning how we are to treat others, (even our perceived enemies) does not pertain to politics..They could not be more wrong.

Partisan or Patriot ?

    When I talk about politics the first thing I want people to understand is; I do not think of myself as being above it all. I have favorites, and hold political views I deem as sacred, or at least very important. However I can say, I value my country more than the success of any political faction. I know enough about government and history to know if the party I am registered with, or any other party for that matter, wins every single election it will not be long before we become a one party tyranny.
   One of my favorite politicians of all time is, John Quincy Adams. He was generally despised in his day, even by his own party, almost as much as the opposing one. Not so much for what Adams did, but what he refused to do..He refused to support things he thought were not in his country's best interest. Even if those things were purposed by his own party.
   Adams being a true patriot, knew governing included compromise; he understood every issue is not an all or nothing choice. What I admired most was his willingness to help other factions achieve worthwhile things for his country. He did not care who got the credit as long as his country got the benefit. I am sure there are those historians who are unable to look past his very human faults. One thing any honest person would admit; John Quincy Adams for the most part did what he thought best for our nation even if it meant being hated by his own party or an opposing one. His lack of success was not due to lack of knowing and trying to do what was best for his country. It was due to partisan jealousies..
   In my assessment patriotism is not defending a policy I believe harmful, or even immoral. Because my party or my country promote something, does not make it right. However I feel it is my patriotic duty to defend our process, and constitution, even if it does not always produce the results I want, or think best. To me true patriotism is a humility that acknowledges the combined electorate very well may know more than me as an individual. Our founding fathers shared this view. They gave us a democratic republic; where no one individual is treated as the final arbiter of truth. We have a system that benefits from the collective knowledge of the people, and does not rest on the judgement of a single person or party.
    Without humility and a willingness to compromise, we can become obstacles to the collective wisdom of our fellow citizens. Our job is not to destroy those with whom we disagree. If we believe we are right and those who oppose us are wrong. It is our patriotic duty to convince them, or inform the electorate of the worthiness of our cause. All of us need to  always approach politics with the knowledge, that we ourselves are not infallible. Freedom protects us and others when we have wrong ideas, as well as when we promote right ones.  Many mistakenly believe our Lord and Savior's admonitions concerning how we are to treat others, even our perceived enemies, does not pertain to politics..They could not be more wrong.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

America In A Dangerous World

 When George Washington spoke about our countries place in the world, he constantly warned his countrymen about showing favoritism toward any people. He stressed we should be a friend to all people; while trying our best not to be involved in the intrigues and squabbles between nations. Washington and Jefferson feared other nations would cause us to sacrifice our liberty and principles in a way that was not in our own interest. This sentiment can be expressed in a colloquial expression that says; "Treat everyone like they are your own mothers children". The Biblical version says; " treat others as you would be treated," and "Do not return evil for evil."
  Up to World War Two the United States had a policy of never attacking civilian or nonmilitary targets. When they joined with Britain in the bombing of Germany, that policy was gradually eroded and even ignored in the Pacific theater. I am not going to argue here whether that was the right thing to do at the time. My point is; if our fate is to overly dependent on other nations, we can lose our uniqueness, or even the moral high ground. If the reason we fight is not to preserve or give others the liberties and benefits we enjoy, can we claim our cause is just? To use methods that shame our own values, even for a temporary gains, is not only morally wrong, but we become enemies of liberty ourselves.
  I do not think we should sacrifice American lives and treasure for any other reason, than to save the lives and liberties of our people, and the unfortunate people in the lands afflicted by war. The reason Japan and Germany became the peaceful and prosperous nations they are today; is  because we insisted that the government we overthrew was replaced with a system that insured the same rights and privileges we ourselves enjoy. I hope we do the same in the lands we are now fighting in. With few exceptions I am very proud of how our military has guarded the rights of the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. But if our aim is only to punish those who have done wrong, with no regard for what we leave behind; the people of those nations are no better off, and we are poorer ourselves..Pray that we win the peace as decisively as we have won the war. Until all people enjoy the rights and liberties we have. Our duty as Americans will never be done.


   Being an avid reader with interest in many different subjects; I have come across incredible intellects, the very smart, and the very savvy, the highly credentialed, as well as humble men with a great deal of common sense.
The rarest and most admirable are those who posses what I call Godly wisdom; acquired by persistent study, patience, and a desire to please God and help mankind.. Many people study and read incredible amounts of information and  it only makes them intolerable and arrogant. Others pile up credentials with no intentions of using them for the glory of God or the good of mankind , but only the enrichment of themselves.
   King David and his son Solomon taught us in the Holy writ of scriptures; we will not begin to be wise until we acknowledge; that the God of the Bible is the final arbiter of our fate, and worth. It is He who possesses
the knowledge of what is good, useful and worthy of pursuit, or foolish, vain and detrimental. King David proclaimed in the Psalms, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Solomon said the fear of God was the foundation of knowledge itself. He also added fools despise wisdom and instruction. A smart, credentialed or savvy person can obtain information and facts, yet be unable or unwilling to acquire wisdom and knowledge.
   One has to have a moral center with standards to determine what is wise, and dismiss what is foolishness. Every tyrant in history has had intellectually gifted persons in their employment. Godly wisdom is what determines how and for what purpose your intellect and acquired information will be used. Solomon wrote in the book of Proverbs: "Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding...Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God... When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul, then shall thou understand Righteousness, Justice and Equity, and every good path"..
   Often what seems right to those who do not seek God; is foolishness and harmful.  Jesus Christ our Messiah taught...."The wiser men believe themselves to be, the greater fools they become"....I would rather acknowledge my ignorance, fear God and seek council from Him; even if it means being considered a fool in this world.

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Does Our God Demand Or Expect Of Us?

  All the denominations, sects and differences we find in Christianity alone, are testament to the confusion or lack of cohesive thought on this subject. I became a Christian at the age of 20; I am now 52 and am still searching for God's will, and trying to find my place or calling in this world. I know what I want to do, and how I wish to get there, at least in part. However I am not all knowing and have no way to know with any certainty what the future holds unless God reveals it to me; especially when it comes to the everyday details of a life lived among others, who do things unexpectedly, unreasonably, and often with unknown motives.
   What God expects of us in my opinion can be understood. Maybe not in the everyday minutia and mundane decisions we have to make. But certainly how we approach these decisions . What I believe God wants from me and everyone else for that matter; is for us to be decent and kind human beings. As I search the scriptures I have found that what God demands of us is not unreasonable.  God knows we are fallible and weak, and even offers us a portion of His strength. The Bible teaches us there is a reward for those who honestly and persistently seek to please God. A big part of that reward is a knowledge of how to obey Him; and being gifted and empowered to be able to obey Him.
   When I was a young man, and even a younger Christian, I thought what I wore, what I ate and drank, or didn't eat or drink, and how many rules and regulations I kept, was what God's primary concern was. As I persistently sought to please and know God, and His will. I began to realize it was not so much about what I did outwardly, but who I was on the inside. God wanted me to allow Him to change me from the inside out. No matter what I do, if done out of wrong motives, in the end does not help me, my fellow man or even God.
   Micah was an Old Testament prophet. He spoke for God to Israel, and spoke for the people to God. He ask God as a spokesman for Israel; ( paraphrase ) what do you want from us? Do we need to give more money, more sacrifices, or even our first born to wipe away our sin? God's answer through Micah was; ...    " He has shown thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." Not much has changed since Micah other than the fact it is even harder to do those things now.
  But our God has not left us without a solution. The Biblical God has sent us His only begotten Son to pay the penalty of our sin, and to lead and befriend us. Jesus Christ has promised us, His burden is light, and we can find rest for our souls in Him. Jesus also promises He will send not only comfort, but the ability to please our God from our inside out. The fruits of following, Jesus The Messiah, are the very things that Pleased God in Micah's time..Love, joy, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness. self-control, ....If we seek these things we do not need rules and regulations to govern our actions. And more importantly we are doing our duty, fulfilling our obligation to God, and our fellow man..

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Exciting Scientific Discovery, Is Science Finally leaving Darwin and Sagan Behind?

  NASA scientists have discovered on our own planet, a microbe that could unlock incredible possibilities in agriculture, medicine and possibly a new energy source. This microbe reportedly has the capability to use arsenic in its formation of DNA in place of phosphorous. If this is an accurate assessment of what is being reported; the possibility of growing food, and fuel sources in very hostile environments here on earth, as well as places like the moon may be endless.
   Many scientists are saying this discovery is leaving behind the restrictive notion; that the only explanation of origins is the big bang and evolutionary biology. Could this be the beginning of mankind finally being able to throw off the shackles placed upon it by secular evolutionary thought? We can only hope so. I am sure the entrenched, and politically protected  proponents of Darwinian evolution will not give up their unfair advantage, or their preferred status without a fight..However we may be on the brink of science finally being able to shout. FREE, FREE AT LAST !!!

If Given A Choice Between Mercy And What I Deserve, I Choose Mercy.

 There is a reoccurring theme that threads throughout the Holy Bible; those who have found the truth, and were used by God; sought not only mercy for themselves, but pleaded for God's mercy to be shown towards those around them. Moses stood between God's wrath and the children of the exodus. Abraham pleaded mercy for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. King David pleaded for mercy; not only for his own sins, but also for those of his kingdom. The prophets and apostles warned their fellow man in public of the consequences of disobeying God; yet in private they fell on their face begging God to be merciful towards those they were sent to warn.
   The more I learn about, and know of the Biblical God, the more I am aware of the my own need for mercy, and the more I desire that mercy be shown towards my fellow man. Our Lord Jesus Christ's own biological half brother, the apostle who wrote the book of James, said, " Mercy rejoiceth against judgement." Wherever a righteous person can be found in the Bible, or in our society, they are pleading for mercy, for themselves, and others. This not to say there is not mercy in justice. Part of God's mercy shown towards the afflicted and oppressed is the punishment of their tormentors.
    I would like to quote some of what the Holy Bible says about mercy; I will exclude chapter and verse, because with a concordance they can be easily found. First I will examine some of what the Bible has to say about mercy towards others. "Let not mercy and truth forsake thee."  "He that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he."  "Mercy and truth shall be given to those who desire good for others."  "He that honoreth God hath mercy on the poor."  "Great is God's mercy towards them that fear Him."  "Mercy and truth preserve rulers."  "The Lord hath comforted His people and will have mercy on the afflicted."  "They who do not know God are cruel and have no mercy."
   Here is some of what the Bible says about our own need for mercy. " Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy."  " Have mercy on me Lord according to your love and kindness, blot out my sin."  " Great is God's mercy towards me."  "Oh God turn unto me and have mercy upon me."  "God forgives and His mercy is new every morning."  "GOD'S MERCY ENDURETH FOREVER."