The Bible does not give us a detailed political treatise on which we can govern ourselves.. It does however give us moral principles and God's view of government..It also gives us a few commands we are to obey when dealing with government..One of the most detailed references to our responsibility towards political leadership can be found in the book of 1st Timothy chapter 2, " I exhort, therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men..For kings, and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty...For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God, our savior..Who will have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth"...
There will never be a time; short of when Christ reigns on earth, when we will agree with everything those in authority promote or do.. We can constantly try to over throw authority that is not in 100% agreement with us, or we can work within the system and pray for those who hold power..God has promised us He is in control when He gave us this verse in Proverbs 21, " The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turneth it withersoever He will ".. Aberrations like the dictators Hitler and Stalin are a result of the people turning to their own devices to settle old scores and to throw off all restraint..
Our prayers for our leaders to make wise, honest and effective decisions are not only encouraged by God, but they carry a lot of weight with Him also..The alternative is unremitting political turmoil and civil war..When the electorate makes a poor decision and elects candidates unqualified; either intellectually or morally, it is because the populace is either in need of knowledge, or in defiance of God, and trying thwart His revealed will.. Both can bring about incredible human suffering..Either way once someone is in power it behooves us to pray that God enlightens and guides them whether they were our choice or not...
Those who have served in the military during, or lived through a civil war, will tell you the toll in human suffering and the injustices visited upon ordinary citizens are monstrous...I don't fear when my choice for a political office is defeated because I know God hears and considers my prayers for the winner..When politics become all about party, ethnic, and sectarian religious views, and not about sound governance, effective policy and moral principle..People become impatient and unreasonable.. Politics becomes about personality, style and charisma. The Bible teaches; My people perish for the lack of knowledge..Our job as citizens is to promote sound policy backed by moral principle..This takes hard work in acquiring knowledge and wisdom needed for discernment..
Policy and governance are intricate science..None of us are all knowing experts..Our politicians need our prayers because their job is crucial and full of repercussions..In a nation built around individual liberty none of us are going to always get our way politically..Everyone has the right to criticize politicians in any way they choose..I have found more often then not most issues are about ideas not individuals..It is far more effective to take on ideas rather than people. (It is also more work)..Every person who occupies an official position of political leadership has my sincere prayers..I pray they will stay the course when their cause is just, and will be flexible in areas of doubt..
If we were to become a nation of people who passionately prayed for our leaders, and our leaders sought to govern according to the moral principles found in the Holy Bible. Our nation would not only be more just and stable but also more prosperous and of greater help to other nations..Solutions to our political problems are not outside of God's purview or our ability to address in prayer.. Respect for God's Holy written word is needed by not only those doing the governing but also by the governed..Rather than trying to tear down individual politicians I try my best to pray for them and teach solid Biblical principles that I believe could help and heal my country..
Wesley Jones
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