I have studied many if not most of the world's religions in some detail.. What sets Jesus Christ apart from the rest of humanity can be summed up in one word, Mercy! Not only does the Biblical Jesus offer mercy equally to all. He teaches his followers to be merciful as well ( not all who claim to be his followers live by this unfortunately). There is no other act more beneficial and comforting to the soul of man than receiving, or extending mercy..Nothing is so antithetical to our nature as forgiveness without reparation..The mercy taught and offered by Christ is beyond ordinary man's ability to construct or invent. It is of divine origin there is no other example of it in all of human history.
The number of Old Testament prophecies Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled is astounding. If one were to reject the New Testament account of Jesus as prejudicial. The amount of secular evidence we have regarding His life is beyond reasonable debate; Jesus is the Messiah prophesied hundreds of years before His appearance in the historical record..( Since the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls the age of those prophesies and the time Jesus lived are no longer in doubt.) Isaiah Chapter 53 and the 22nd Psalm alone give a detailed account of the life, suffering and death of the historical Jesus..
I believe Jesus performed all the miracles attributed to Him in the New testament. But even if He had not done one of them His teachings are so profound and beyond human ability. I would still believe He is the promised Messiah..I also know from personal experience. There was a time I had nothing invested personally in Jesus Christ. I had only heard of Him. In a time of great trouble and anguish of soul I cried out for Him to forgive and save me. He heard me, forgave me, restored my soul and saved me out of all my troubles..This alone is more evidence than I need to believe that He indeed is all He and the Bible claim Him to be..Beyond any doubt whatsoever, I believe the Biblical Jesus Christ is God's Messiah, and the only begotten Son of the living God..
Wesley Jones
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