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Top Stories Defend Your Position: The Fear of God Is The Beginning Of Wisdom....Is There Historical Proof ?

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Fear of God Is The Beginning Of Wisdom....Is There Historical Proof ?

   If the Bible is correct and all good and useful thought and/or wisdom is a product of acknowledging the God of the Bible; while denying the Biblical God exists, is the foundation of all that is foolish and harmful to mankind. There should be be historical evidence. So I set about researching whether these Biblical maxims would hold up historically. To my amazement they did. And not just in a small insignificant way. Throughout history great moral leaps made in the advancement of human society were in direct correlation with the faithfulness of individual believers in the Bible's God, and the Bible's teachings. Conversely when people in large numbers follow those who have claimed the God of the Bible and His laws are irrelevant to modern man . Great suffering and violence has ensued.
    I have found in my research a very real pattern. The great injustices visited upon mankind, whether from religious or secular sources were perpetuated by those in denial of the Biblical God or those who acted in opposition to the principles taught by Him in the Bible. Often the greatest harm was done by those who believed themselves wiser and more just than the Biblical God. Not only what was historically foolish had it's origins in unbelief, but what was historically violent ,cruel and inhumane as well. Doubters will want examples. Believe me they are plentiful.  I will begin by looking at what religions were like before Abraham and Moses.
  Before Abraham expounded upon his knowledge of God, and before Moses wrote down in scripture the character and expectations of the Bible's Creator God. Man's attempt at replacing the true God was nothing more than carving images out of inert material; then falling down and worshiping them. There was no set principles or code of conduct that transcended  those who held power. Human sacrifice was the norm and it often involved children. Those who controlled what was worshiped could engage in any kind of cruel behavior or any sexual activity with who, or what, whenever they wanted. Whether it was consensual or not mattered little. Many who held power made themselves god and decided for everyone else what attributes and limits their man made god would have.
   The Roman empire with it's many false deities epitomized the cruelty of pagan society. Animals and humans alike were tortured and killed for amusement. The empire had many more slaves than freemen. Criminals were tortured and executed publicly. Gladiators were forced to butcher each other for sport in front of thousands.Caesars declared themselves deity and demanded to be worshiped at the penalty of death. This went on for centuries until Christian martyrs like Telemachus and  Ignatius cried out against the barbarity.    Early church leaders like the apostles Paul and Peter taught that all people, Jew and gentile, male and female, slave and free were equal in the sight of God. Slaves of all races were treated as equals and could hold positions of authority in Christian churches. Although both Peter and Paul were martyred by the Roman pagans.This was the beginning of the end of Roman savagery and slavery.
   It is true there has been and always will be those who call themselves Christian who like pagans and atheists ignore the God of the Bible, and His moral precepts. There are also many examples of Christians who by sticking to, and advocating for the Biblical worship of God, have changed and transformed nations. What ails mankind does not have its origin in the fear of the God or the Bible. What has caused mankind the most distress can be laid at the feet of those who in callous indifference ignored God and the admonitions given to us in the Bible. History is full of examples of what happens when man chooses either to ignore, or chooses to obey the God of the Bible.
  While Voltaire and Diderot in their atheism laid the foundation for the guillotine and the blood bath known as the French revolution. The Rev. George Whitefield and Rev.John Wesley laid the foundations of American liberty in the colonies. While the Christian founding fathers of America such as Benjamin Rush and John Adams were trying to secure a just and fair liberty for all people. Atheists like Robespierre and Saint-Just were murdering thousands in France.
    At the same time Christian abolitionists like William Wilberforce and Abraham Lincoln used the Bible to help set men free. Atheists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were laying the foundation of communism. It would enslave, starve and murder millions. While atheists Charles Darwin and Charles Lyell laid the foundations of  atheistic  materialism that eventually Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro and Pol Pot along with many other secular despots would build on. Devout Christians like Faraday, Mendel, Maxwell and Pasteur were laying the foundations of modern science, physics and medicine.
  While the Christian pro-life feminist and abolitionist Susan B Anthony was championing the cause of equality  for blacks and women, in society, politics and the courts. The atheist and socialist Margaret Sanger was laying the foundation of Planned Parenthood which is today responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent unborn children.
   Atheists and pagans can mimic Biblical Christianity and often do in societies with Biblical origins.They will even claim the Bibles teachings on such things as justice and liberty are their own. However, when they really do go off on their own in rebellion and pretend they know more and better than the Biblical God. History is proof, they cause nothing but death and misery for the rest of mankind.

  The fear of Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7
  The fool hath said in his heart , there is no God. They are corrupt and can do no good.  Psalms 14:1

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