A great sword dangles from it; O my such a tiny thread.
I have heard and weighed thy argument, in order to be fair.
Science is thy enemy. Truth is what swings o'er thy head.
A single strand for decades hath kept the truth at bay.
A fortress built around it keeps science outside the wall.
The bricks made of dogma are theories as pliable as clay.
Science in time will scale them, then the sword shall fall.
The tiny cord must be guarded from knowledge and the light.
Only sworn allegiance to protect and promote thy single hair.
Allows one to sit beneath the sword to join the lofty rite.
After all, science can not be free to seek the truth just anywhere.
It must be chained outside, and used to guard arguments as thin as air.
Wesley Jones
A single strand for decades hath kept the truth at bay.
A fortress built around it keeps science outside the wall.
The bricks made of dogma are theories as pliable as clay.
Science in time will scale them, then the sword shall fall.
The tiny cord must be guarded from knowledge and the light.
Only sworn allegiance to protect and promote thy single hair.
Allows one to sit beneath the sword to join the lofty rite.
After all, science can not be free to seek the truth just anywhere.
It must be chained outside, and used to guard arguments as thin as air.
Wesley Jones
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