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Top Stories Defend Your Position: The Holy Bible First In Science. This Will Amaze You.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Holy Bible First In Science. This Will Amaze You.

 It is widely believed that in Columbus's time most people believed the earth was flat. However almost all, if not all, literate people knew the earth was round. The Greek mathematician Eratosthenes three centuries before Christ had accurately calculated the earth's circumference. It is also commonly believed that the church was the proponent of the flat earth theory. In actuality it was pagan philosophers like Leucippus and Democritus who believed the earth was flat.
   The first historical reference to the earth being round is found in the Biblical book of Isaiah  40:22; "It is He ( God ) who sitteth above the circle of the earth". ( written 750 years before Christ and 400 hundred years before Eratosthenes) The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm the age of the book of Isaiah.
   Before the telescope it was commonly believed there were just over 1000 stars, because that is what can be counted with the naked eye. However the Bible in the books of Genesis twice, and the books of Jeremiah and Hebrews, tell us the stars are too numerable for one man to count ( It would take 3000 years for one person to count the stars in our galaxy alone)..This was not known until a few hundred years ago.
   In ancient times pagans believed the earth was placed on the back of animals or giant men. Until 1887 (Michelson- Morley experiment ) many scientists believed the earth and planets and stars floated in ether. The book of Job is believed to be the oldest book of the Bible, predating Abraham; it states in Job 26:7, "He (God) hangs the earth on nothing"..
    The fact that the sun moved and had an orbit was not known until recently. The Passage in Psalm 19 where King David poetically described the circuit of the sun was scoffed at. We now know the sun travels this circuit ( orbit ) at 600,000 miles per hour.
                    The Conservation Of Mass And Energy
   The First Law Of Thermodynamics: (Paraphrase) There is a finite amount of matter in the universe no more can be produced and none can be destroyed.... Genesis tells us after creation, ch.2, "Thus the heavens and earth were finished and all the host of them"..There is no more creation or destruction of matter going on..
   The Second Law Of Thermodynamics. (What Einstein called, the premier law of science.)  All systems ( organization of matter) degenerates from order to disorder..In other words at the beginning the universe was at the height of perfection and has been deteriorating since. This is exactly what the Bible teaches.
  Isaiah 51:6,  For the heavens will vanish away like smoke, the earth will grow old like a garment.
  Hebrews 1:10-11  Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands. They shall perish, but thou remainest; and they shall all wax old as doth a garment"...
   The Bible was the first to accurately describe ocean currents, the hydrological cycle and the atmosphere. I hope to expound on these and give many more examples in future posts.

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