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Top Stories Defend Your Position: Promoting Justice Is More Than Choosing A Side

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Promoting Justice Is More Than Choosing A Side

   Proverbs 21 -3  To do justice and judgement is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.

   Justice is beyond and more desirable than our attempts to win political or social victories for whatever group we claim to champion. Justice is not bound by denomination, party, social class, gender, race, nationality or any other way we choose to fragment our societies. It is above self interest and shallow temporary victories. Justice is not prejudice or favorable to one side at the expense of the interests of others. An injustice directed towards an enemy is no more acceptable to God and Biblical justice than one directed towards us and ours.
     Blind obedience to a group is how many of us define justice. Whatever our group does is always right and who ever opposes our group is always wrong. It is a very dangerous and lazy way for us to promote justice. To not question or doubt what the leaders of our group do and say, while always doubting the motives and criticizing opposing views; ( often before they are even heard.) This is not beneficial to anyone in the long run.. If we never examine the merits of opposing views and never question our own. We in a sense neglect justice in favor of  promoting our chosen, or inherited group's short term gain.
    Before a society or a group can promote justice and make any moral judgments; its members must have an individual understanding of morality, and love of justice apart from the group. They also need to find a morality that is universal, not prejudice or myopic. If not we are doing nothing more than advancing the name and power of our group no matter what it promotes. Unfortunately most people derive their political and moral views, from groups. Not from within a heart taught and nurtured by a just God....Too often it is me and mine have always belonged to this party, faith or group; so no matter what it promotes must be defended. This mentality is the reason social ills, injustices and lopsided, foolish policies are handed down from one generation to the next.
   The lingering effects of 20th century Marxism and fascism still haunt the political landscape today. We still want to promote equity by destroying those we think have some kind of advantage or threaten ours. Justice is never served by tearing down one group to promote another. A minority is not made more equal by destroying or ignoring the rights of the majority. Majorities are not made safe by ignoring the rights of minorities. There are groups and individuals who prey upon our lust for vengeance, our false sense of superiority and the envy of success. Justice is not the promotion of us at the expense of you. Nor is it revenge or forced equality. Justice is liberty granted and protected in an equitable, universal  way. This is the kind of justice taught by the Biblical Jesus.
   There will always be those calling for; the exacting of a pound of flesh. The counter to that is making moral judgments based upon a desire to treat all justly and none preferably. I have not found any better source for teaching justice,equity and making sound moral judgments than the Holy Bible. The teachings of Jesus Christ are the very reason things like justice and equity are even considered in western society. Jesus took up the cause of the poor while not threatening those who had more. He championed the cause and redemption of social outcasts, without denying personal responsibility or Biblical morality. He taught us to forgive and feed our enemies. While at the same time encouraging us to stand against injustice and cruelty.
   The Psalms, Proverbs and old testament prophets are lessons on how much God loves and wants justice and equity for mankind. How being a kind, merciful and fair person is of more value than any strict observance to religious ceremony. The Bible teaches, righteousness exalts nations and sin is a reproach to any people. The righteousness taught in the Bible is more than ceremony or self denial. It is dealing honestly and fairly with all. It is living morally yourself while being merciful and patient with those that don't. There is no other faith or Holy Book that teaches both personal morality, and a benign, merciful and consistent social justice.
    Isaiah 58-6 " Is this not the fast I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness. ( deliver others from sin )  To undue the heavy burdens, ( release others from unreasonable burdens put on them by those in power.) To let the oppressed go free, ( to free, protect and help those oppressed by others ) and break every yoke." ( to strive for the liberty of all people ). There are many other passages like this throughout the Bible.  Verses like this are what gave our forefathers the courage to demand freedom. The Bible is what inspired subsequent generations to apply it to all people.
   We can seek and learn of justice from our Creator and His Holy Word. Or we can do what has always led us to disaster in the past.( Everyone can define and dispense justice anyway they choose.) Those who hold power can deny it or grant it not based on morality but convenience. We can seek revenge and privilege for our favorite group or party. Or we can believe the Bible and have a relationship with our Creator through His son Jesus Christ. Then and only then are we are able to  learn how to promote a fair, equitable justice that is based on more than our own caprice, or that of those in power.
 Micah 6-8  " He hath showed thee, O man what is good; and what the Lord requires of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God."


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