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Top Stories Defend Your Position: The Problem Of Evil

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Problem Of Evil

   Being a Biblical Christian I use the scriptures as a primary source in sifting the wheat from the chaff. Many not thoroughly acquainted with the Holy Bible do not know it contains basic principles that can be used as a guide in almost any situation; in both private and public decisions. One of the most controversial subjects the Bible deals with is the presence of evil. Not just the effects, but the source of evil. The question of there being an organized source of evil outside of, and greater than man has been debated for centuries. For those who would argue there is no such thing as evil, my only comment is; watch the news and read your newspaper.
   Most people are quick to acknowledge the possibility of the presence of angelic beings that have a positive influence on the lives of humans. When it comes to there being an angelic force that does not have man's best interest at heart, and is even in opposition to our welfare. Most are reluctant to go that far. I believe an acknowledgment of an organized opposition to what is good and in our best interest; not only helps explain the great tragedies of history. It is one of the first steps in addressing the great injustices of our own times.
   My argument for the existence of organized evil is based upon natural law. Natural or universal law is the foundation of science, reason and morality. If one was to argue there is no such thing as natural law it would be irrelevant. Because the argument would have no foundation on which to build, or set principles to draw a conclusion from.
    There are things that are universally  accepted as abhorrent behavior. We all know the torture of children is bad, stealing something that does not belong to us and killing in cold blood are wrong. However if we were to be put into a group of people who justify all kinds of cruel and irresponsible behavior, there are few of us who will openly reject or criticize the behavior. The larger the group the the less likely there will be dissent. The more people around us that are ignoring their natural moral inclinations, the more we are likely to ourselves. It is what the Bible teaches as, "the fear of man,"  King David called it, "the fear of evil."
   The Apostle Paul tells us, "God did not give us a spirit of fear." The fear that inhibits our ability to do what we instinctively know is right, is not God given. Paul describes fear as a spirit not flesh. If it does not originate from God it has to have it's origins in another spirit being. The angels are our only other alternative. The Spirit of fear is not the fear of God talked about in the Bible. The fear of God is a form of God given wisdom. It tells us there are consequences for our actions beyond what is discovered or punished in this life. The fear of God is an acknowledgement of His moral presence and power. This is constructive reverence. Not a spirit of fear. Fear in physically dangerous situations is not a spirit of fear. It is genetically produced caution in all humans and animals. It is a fight or flight instinct.
   Paul also taught that God gave all of His human creation an ability to understand and know He created them. Atheism and idolatry are learned and chosen. They are not a natural part of our created being. In fact they are an affront to our natural moral inclinations and even contrary to our ability to reason and recognize truth. If God did not create man in ignorance of Him, and did not give him inclinations towards evil. Where did our denial of our Creator and our propensity towards wicked behavior come from? Even a believer in evolution who has been around animals at all knows; animals are not capable of moral decisions. They react instinctively even when trained. The ability to do something consciously evil is unique to man and angel.
   The Bible teaches that an angel in rebellion against God enticed Adam and Eve into ignoring their God given knowledge of what is right, and then they disobeyed God. The ability to choose to do, or not to do, what we know is right; is the liberty God gave us when we were created. It sets us apart from animals. God wants us to choose Him out of love, gratitude and our ability to recognize Him as the author of moral truth. Not because we have no other choice.
   The reason mankind's history is so tragic and our problems so great and so difficult to solve; is in my opinion because of our fear of man and/or the fear of evil, fueled by unwarranted pride. An angel called Satan and the angelic host that followed him, prey upon those who in their pride, fear what others might think of or do to them. The proud and fearful then become the foot soldiers for all kinds of misguided and truly wicked people. I have seen wrong promoted as right, and lies promoted as truth in every social setting I have been in. The playground, workplace, classroom even in church. No place is exempt from our pride and the fear of others. Blatant falsehoods are taught and egregious injustices are not opposed; for no other reason than the fear of what others will say or think. The Bible teaches fear has torment, and few things torment us more than the thought of not fitting in or being considered an ignorant outcast. King Solomon taught, " The wicked flee when no man pursueth; but the righteous are as bold as a lion."
   Just as constantly giving into an act we know is self destructive can enslave us. Calling what we know to be lies truth and defending cruel and abhorrent behavior can become just as addictive. When we call wrong right and a lie truth to avoid ridicule or exclusion we are acting contrary to the natural morality God gave us. Not only that, we begin to lose our ability to distinguish right from wrong at all. We become completely at the mercy of the ones we seek approval from. They have usurped our ability to decide for ourselves what is good and what is bad. We become moral slaves to the opinions of other people and groups.
    Jesus taught that the truth will set you free. The truth is; this world and life is not all there is. It is also true but not readily apparent, there is a reward for obeying God and punishment for ignoring Him. We are often taught in this world our value is determined by others. We judge our worth by what others in the group we hope to please and impress think of us. Jesus taught us not to fear what others can do to us. They have no power or say in eternity. We are to fear God who holds our eternity in his hand.
    If we overcome our fear of what others think of us; we are free to hold onto and promote truth. Not only did Paul teach that fear hath torment. He taught perfect love casts out fear. Our love of God and our fellowman is what gives us the courage to risk the disapproval and often the persecution that comes with telling people the truth..
  Our Lord Jesus Christ said that Satan and the angels ( demons ) that followed him in rebellion are real and are going to and fro through the earth seeking those who they are able to devour. They destroy people with lies. Jesus called Satan a liar and the father of all lies. His first lie was he was more powerful than God.  Satan and the angels that believed him lost their eternal souls without hope of redemption. In case you are tempted to feel sorry for them. They care nothing about being redeemed they want only revenge against God by destroying mankind.
   Satan's first lie directed at us, was when he caused Adam and Eve to doubt God's word. That was followed by the lie that they could be gods themselves not subordinate to a creator. These are still used today to separate us from our Father and Creator. He also uses the lie that this world is all we have or can hope for. If this is believed we become so fearful of others we dare not offend them with Biblical truth or risk being humiliated or shamed for confessing our belief in the Biblical Christ. Jesus said; " whosoever therefore shall confesses me before men, him I will confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."
  Obedience to God and His written word often comes at a cost in this present world. But Jesus said ," in the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." The primary goal of evil is to get us to doubt God's word and be afraid to confess Jesus Christ in front of others. Satan does it through our pride, lies and fear....1st John 4-4... Greater is He ( Jesus ) that is in you, than he ( satan ) that is in the world.
    Evil in this world and the misery that accompanies it; is totally dependent on mankind ignoring and/or denying the Holy Bible and the Messiah it promised. This is usually done out of fear of others as much as it is done in ignorance ..We can not be afraid; for what good is it if we gain the approval of the whole temporary world and lose our eternal soul.

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