Alistair Cooke was a recognized, if not famous reporter in the 1960s. He was often criticized for not editorializing on the great issues of the day. He simply reported what was said, or done, and by whom. He was asked why he did not take sides on what he reported. His answer was; I do not believe it is my job to do so, and besides there are not any easy or totally black and white answers. All sides believe themselves to have at least a portion of the truth.. I paraphrased this in the interest of brevity, but I believe it is an accurate representation of his views. When he was a movie critic he refused to criticize individuals because he recognized their humanity and frailty. He commented on the over all entertainment value of the film, without trying to tear down individuals or their performances.
In our "modern" society today this seems like a cop out, or even a lack of backbone. It is hard for us to grasp that someone would acknowledge they did not have all the answers; or did not know enough to dictate to others how they should think; or have enough self awareness to realize they had no business ridiculing others. Cooke had strong opinions like anyone else; yet he refused to allow a herd to dictate what he could think and say. He would not take on the pack mentality. In my opinion there is great freedom in knowing that neither I, nor anyone else has all the answers. It is not the acknowledgement of our own ignorance that makes us vulnerable to tyrants. It is when we are too arrogant to acknowledge that we or the herd we are following might not have all the answers. When we refuse to accept the possibility that we or the leaders of our preferred pack don't always know where they are going, this is when we can be led off a cliff. Knowing your own, and others limitations is a form of humble wisdom..
King Solomon acknowledged the old adage; "Ignorance is bliss." when he said in Eccl.1-18 "In much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." However he goes on to say, " I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness". It is a kind of wonderful bliss to think what we believe, what we do, and who we follow or support is 100% right 100% of the time. It is very comfortable to think anyone who disagrees with us is stupid, evil or both. The Holy Bible warns us not to think too highly of ourselves or our fellowman. Solomon warned us in his book of Proverbs.."To have respect for persons is not good; for, for a piece of bread, that person will transgress". There is not a one of us who will not cheat, lie or steal for nothing more than a piece of bread. It is not an easy or blissful thing to know. But those who do not realize it, become prey to false and hurtful notions promoted by people who will say and do anything to gain power..
I would have to say there has been nothing I have learned in my life that refutes the Biblical maxim; "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"..If we have no knowledge that there is a being that knows more than us and is more righteous than us and that will hold us accountable. What we believe, we do, or say is guided by nothing more than what is convenient, easy, and socially accepted in the circles we frequent..The thing I like most about being a Biblical Christian is I do not have to agree with my friends or hate my enemies!
I can be an individual, governed by the light given to me by the Holy Bible, and a relationship I have with God's Son, Jesus Christ..It is a wonderful thing to be free from the opinions and prejudices of friend and foe alike..
Most of the cruelty, hatred and false assumptions perpetuated by mankind; are maintained by nothing more than a desire to fit into one herd or another.The human desire to fit in, and not to be made fun of, is what, is used to keep people in a herd and stymies their individuality. This is the reason the Apostle Paul said ( a paraphrase from 1 Corinthians ) Who is chosen by God ? Not many that are counted wise by this world, not many mighty of this world, or who are called noble in this world are chosen. But God has chosen the ones called foolish to confound those who think they are wise..God chooses those who are considered weak to confuse those that think they are mighty. God has chosen the things this world calls base, and is despised and called nothing, to bring to nothing the arrogance of this world..
All through history mankind has ignored and rejected God to run with one herd or another. I can not think of any instance were individuals did not ruin themselves and others when they preferred the praise of others over the favor of God. When God has revealed Himself to mankind He has promised us, His holy word would be synonymous with His name. Those who know and obey Him would know and obey His word ( The Holy Bible ) Jesus taught that the way to tell whether someone was a follower of His; was they would love their fellowman and obey the Bible..Those who disobey this, no matter how much they protest know nothing of Him..In the light of that; no cruelty or injustice done in the name of God by individuals or groups can be honestly attributed to Biblical Christianity.
Through out history there have always been detractors of the Holy Bible. In my youth and ignorance of scripture I too had my doubts. Most of the concerns were about perceived injustice in the Old Testament. As I began to study history and found out how cruel and violent man can be. I began to realize what King David said was true. "Respect the Covenant ( Old Testament ) because the places where it's light does not shine are the habitations of cruelty". Our notions of law, justice, mercy and fairness spring from that book, whether we acknowledge it or not..
When I endeavored to acquire a degree in theology I was taught ( higher criticism ) the arguments against the authority of the Holy Bible. The professors who believed and taught that the Bible was not God's word, were experts on what others said about the Bible, but had almost no knowledge of the Bible itself. Their objections were either minutia that had no bearing on precept or truth; or they were so woefully ignorant of the Bible itself they did not realize that other scriptures contained the answer to their concerns.When I pried into what they did believe about God. I realized their assumptions were more foolish, silly and even hurtful than what they accused the Bible of promoting. I have learned from experience and study that the best way to maintain your individuality and not to follow some herd over a cliff is to follow The Apostle's advice in the book of Romans. "Let God be true, but every man a liar".
I did not write this to discourage people from joining political parties, organizations or churches.I wrote this to encourage others not to be afraid of the opinions of others. Keep your individuality and do not follow anyone blindly. Christ alone deserves our complete loyalty. His will for us is contained in the Holy Bible. He and His Word can be trusted. They will stand when their critics have long since departed.
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