Abraham Lincoln warned the people of his day, that the nation could not survive being half free and half slave. We were going to be nation of slave holding tyrants, or nation of free people that protects the liberty of all. In his mind there was no middle ground. He was called extreme, a fanatic, alarmist, and even an uneducated rube. However, I believe history proved him right. In his day slavery tainted all politics no matter if it was applicable to the subject or not. Factions and voting blocs were formed around this issue and demagogues of all stripes played upon the unresolved fracture it caused in our society at the time.
In the 1950s and 60s the issues that fractured our society were, how to deal with malignant communism and civil rights. These issues tainted all politics Just as slavery did 100 years prior. There are two issues today although often swept under the rug or naively considered settled. That have fractured and polluted our political system. Just as the nation itself was at peril in the time of Lincoln and Kennedy. We face a similar challenge today. If these issues are not eventually settled we may not remain free in the future.We ignore these issues at our own peril. I am only going to address one of them here.
Today we are faced with a very real threat to our freedom of thought, speech and religion. This threat is derived from one of the greatest hoaxes and folly ever visited upon mankind. It was used by Lenin, Stalin and Mao, and many lesser tyrants to justify persecution as only a natural progression, and sadly also a way to vent their religious bigotries..It was used by colonial powers to justify all kinds of oppression and atrocities. You might want to read about how evolutionists hunted aboriginal peoples to use as missing link trophies at that time. It is used to destroy the careers of academic rivals, and to marginalize political opponents. Contrary to our constitution, it is used as a religious litmus test if you want to teach science in our public schools.. It was used in gulags all over China, Russia and eastern Europe to assure the tormentors of religious and political dissidents, that they were immune from retribution after they died. The famous Romanian dissident Richard Wurmbrand who spent 13 years in a gulag and founded, The Voice Of The Martyrs, said his tormentors would often remind him during his torture."We can do what we want to you, because science has proven there is no God"..
I have the knowledge and the ability to scientifically defend Biblical creation. However I am not going to do so in this post. I am going to explain why even a layperson can arrive at the logical conclusion that evolution is at best a myth and at it's worst a tool used to oppress those who do not agree with a certain religious or political point of view.
I, like anyone else who has grown up in the western world in the last 50 years, have been saturated with Darwinian evolutionary thought. I knew of God and some of the Biblical creation story; but certainly not enough to be absolutely sure which explanation of origins was accurate. So I decided to try to see what I could determine by observing the world around me. Fortunately I lived in a rural community at the time. I worked on a farm and for a nearby small township with no town larger than 100 people..I trapped, hunted and fished the river and streams. Roamed the woods hunting ginseng and mushrooms. I knew nature.
I also knew enough about evolution to know that an intermediate or transitional species was the lynch pin in proving the theory to be true. ( I am well aware of the semantic argument used to define the word theory in favor of evolution. I won't address it here) I looked for evidence that there was such a thing as a missing link between any species. What I found was each species producing after its own kind. I saw no evidence in nature or among the farm animals that any thing could produce anything else other than its own kind. I saw genetic deformities in all life, but none was positive; it only made the animal weaker and less likely to survive and mate. My commonsense told me if evolution really happened and was world wide. There would be missing links still alive everywhere. I could not find even one let alone the millions that would still be around if the evolutionary model was accurate. I wondered how did evolution stop; and why did all the intermediate species disappear? Maybe there was some kind of worldwide flood. I still was not sure.
Something else that bothered me about evolution, were the fossil beds, coal, oil and limestone deposits. People who live in the city and do not frequent the woods or fields may not know this; animals and plants return to dust when they die, and in a very short time. The exception to this is if they are rapidly covered by wet sediment, like what happens in a flood. I knew every bend and deep hole in every stream for miles around where I lived. I took care of miles of roads. I have seen what even a very small flood can do to change the topography in very short time..To me seeing places like the Grand Canyon only made me doubt evolution more, a catastrophic flood is a much more reasonable explanation for the extremes in topography and the coal, fossil and oil deposits found all over the world. It seemed to me a much more scientific explanation than adding millions of years to earths history. Adding years does not change how things work in a real world.
Mankind in his quest to find an explanation for his existence that didn't include the God of the Bible has become a victim of the greatest scientific fraud and human folly, in all of history. The amount of human suffering it has caused is incalculable. I was amazed to learn that all the so called ape to human missing links that were used to usher evolution into text books in the 20th century. Turned out to be out right frauds or nothing more than animal bones. Not a single one stands today. The animal and human embryo comparisons that were claimed as proof of evolution and published in text books world wide. Have been proven to be a, not so sophisticated fraud; along with the English moth deception which was also in text books. There is not one school child in ten million who knows all this happened.
Evolution has steadily eroded the liberties and opportunities of people of faith. It indoctrinates their children and in some places in the world, robbed them of life and liberty. I am not wholly optimistic about things changing in my lifetime. But this thing I do know for certain. Evolution will eventually fall; if it does not fall soon, mankind may enter into another dark age. Evolution has it's priests and gurus, it has doctrine and it's heretics to punish, or exclude, it has a holy book. What evolution does not have is a code of conduct. It does not promote mercy or justice..If it is true, there is no right nor wrong, good nor evil. Until enough people educate themselves, and find the courage to deal with it, our prognosis as a free people is not a good one.
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