Sometimes it is hard for us to understand why what we can see so clearly is so oblivious to others. An old preacher I used to listen to on the radio years ago was reading out of the Psalms. He came to the passage, Why do the heathen rage? He stopped and repeated the question and said; "I will tell you why the heathen rage, it is because they are heathen..They simply do not know any better." This was not said in a mean way. There was even a hint of sadness in his voice.We often expect too much of people and become discouraged.. There are somethings that just can't be seen, until one becomes a Christian.
There are some things that can not be understood by intellect, earthly wisdom, or knowledge. A lot of the really profound things in life are revealed not learned. The Apostle Paul said ( my paraphrase ) Because man has proven he can not know God by seeking earthly wisdom, God has chosen to save those who are truly seeking Him by the foolishness of preaching. Preaching is nothing more than expounding on the Holy Bible to instruct believers and introduce people to their redeemer; the divine only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ. It may be foolishness to the rest of the world. Yet, God has chosen to forgive us and give us eternal life on one condition. When he hear what the Bible says about His Son Jesus Christ we believe it and repent. Nothing more nothing less.
Paul goes on to say those who demand it be proven, and be conformed with earthly man made wisdom; and those who want proof by some kind of great miraculous sign, think Christianity is nothing but foolishness. Paul's answer is; "The foolishness of God is wiser than men ". People often wonder why some hear and believe while others scoff and ridicule..The answer is in the words of Jesus Himself..Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you, ANYONE who comes to me I will in no wise turn away. Those who do not really want the truth or do not really want to know God, purposely turn a deaf ear to the gospel.( The good news that the Jesus of the Bible is the Messiah)
God knows man's heart. He knows when we are serious about looking for Him, and whether we really are looking for truth and salvation from our sin..If we are, He points us to His Son Jesus. If we are playing some kind of game we are blinded to the truth. It is not real complicated.
Those who have never heard about Jesus are victims of ancestors and countrymen who currently or have in the past persecuted and censored Christianity. If I understand the Bible correctly even then no matter where we are on the planet, if we seek God and truth; God will send us someone. The Ethiopian eunuch is an example of this in the Bible.
David said in the Psalms the problem was not about God not being able to get the truth to us, or reveal Himself and His will. The problem is that no one was seeking God and the truth..When someone does they become like Abraham or Noah. They know God when no one else around them has a clue. When Christ rose from the dead and ascended to heaven to sit at God's right hand. He sent His followers the Spirit of Truth..So they could then go into the world and convince people they needed to seek God, and also to give people who have rejected Christ in the past more chances to be redeemed..
Jesus taught that everyone in the world who was mentally over the age of accountability is culpable and would be punished for their sins.The alternative was to seek God and repent. Everyone has the opportunity to seek God on their own, the problem is they don't..That is why Jesus sends us. Every time we preach the Biblical Jesus to the world we are giving those that hear, one more chance to be forgiven and saved..We are on an incredible mission. The heathen will rage, they always have. Some will hear about Jesus and will scoff and may even persecute us. But many will hear and turn to Jesus Christ and be saved. It is worth the effort..
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