Politics have become so rancorous and partisan I believe many Americans have completely lost sight of the genius of the system. There are many who are so politically prejudice, if given the opportunity they would gladly give their party and candidate a total and permanent monopoly of the system..Instead of patiently waiting and working for the next election. Many would favor a one party system or a monarchy, rather than sharing power with someone they disagree. Having a political adversary is not a bad thing for a political candidate, or a political party..Nothing like an enemy to point out the inept, corruption or neglect on part of those in power.
We have a young president who was educated and groomed by the left of center..I am sure he is painfully aware by now they do not have all the answers. I also believe he would gladly retreat to the center if our current political climate allowed others to meet him there..We now have a right wing and a left wing media, along with the extremes within the parties. They command considerable power and sway with the electorate.The only thing worse to these partisan pundits than someone on the opposite side of the extreme fringe; is one of their own compromising with the enemy in the middle. A special wrath is unleashed on the turncoats of either party who are willing to compromise and attain only 50% of what they want rather than all or nothing.
The far right is determined to shrink all of government with little regard to what is necessary, as well as what is our moral duty in a just society..The far left is hell bent on punishing or ransacking the rich and successful, be they individuals or business, in order to pay for pet projects. Neither side is looking at our country as a whole or our government as the collective hand motivated by the collective the will of the people. In my opinion the only way this can be fixed; is a realistic knowledge on both sides of how things actually work.
First the left needs to realize true socialism is nothing more than a giant Ponzi scheme. Government does not create wealth ! Government collects, spends and distributes wealth . The collapse of the Soviet Union and eastern Europe is testament to this fact. A free market creates a prosperous economy which in turn creates the wealth that government can use for good or evil..It is in the interest of those who want to use government to address social ills, to maintain a healthy and free business climate. One that does not punish others for success.
The right needs to realize government for the people, by the people, and of the people is not necessarily evil, unjust, and most of all, it is not unnecessary. The ability of the poor to educate, feed and shelter their children at an minimal level is due to government. Free travel on roads and bridges is product of government. Our courts and the protection of our liberties are maintained by government. A free market without government involvement would return us to a feudal lord and serf economy..There is nothing evil about us as a collective people using our government to help others help themselves..
I have wrote about a flat universal tax before. One that goes up or down on all citizens alike, according to necessity..It would do away with the playing of one segment of our society against another. If taxes were all the same rate and went up or down equally for everyone anytime they were raised or lowered. We could determine what we wanted to pay for and adjust the universal tax rate accordingly..It would definitely help unite us and move us away from the all or nothing mentality that now rules our politics..
Wesley Jones
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