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Top Stories Defend Your Position: Theoretical Worm Holes And Time Travel. Fanatsy Or Physics?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Theoretical Worm Holes And Time Travel. Fanatsy Or Physics?

       In theoretical astrophysics wormholes are tunnels connecting black holes ( a black hole is a mass so dense it's gravity keeps even light from escaping it's event horizon .. The center of  our galaxy is believed to be one) It is speculated that wormhole structures are short cuts through space and time and contain anti-matter ( minus gravity ) and theoretically could allow time travel. Many believe Einstein's theory of relativity allowed for time travel. I don't believe so, and I will tell you why.
     Who among us have not toyed with the idea of traveling back in time? If only to recapture some special moment of time in our lives. What an advantage we would have if we possessed current knowledge in a bygone era. We could return to correct mistakes in judgement, and alter choices, or even avert terrible tragedies. Before we get our hopes up, we need to consider there is a lot of known and proven science that says, the closest we can come to time travel is remembering.
   Time is a measurement  done by recording events within context of the frequency of cycles; ( revolutions around the sun, rotations on an axis, the frequency of a pendulum's swing etc). This is not unlike weight being the relative measure of mass. We can not traverse on or weigh the metric system ( we can however do so with the matter it measures.) Time like a unit of measurement used to determine and record weight, is an idea or system used to determine and record an event in relationship to another event... A metric meter is not the essence of the matter measured, only a consistent idea of how to measure and record it ..Time has no essence like matter or motion. It is an idea on how to uniformly  track and record events by placing them in context with, and comparing them to known cyclical motion.
    It is generally believed that the faster one travels the slower time passes ( in actuality what happens is the devices that record time slow down and there is a simple explanation.... General Relativity... .Just because increased motion or speed causes a time device to take longer to cycle, does not mean there is a change in the physical properties of the rest of the universe...) It is theorized, that once the the threshold of the speed of light is attained that time will retreat backwards. Even if a clock runs backwards the cyclical motion or events it is designed to measure progresses normally. If we could travel at the speed of light ( we can't and I will tell you why) all that would happen is we would be traveling in the dark because light would not have a chance to reflect..
    Even in Hadron our largest particle collider we can not accelerate matter to the speed of light. The reason being, matter increases in weight the closer it gets to the speed of light..Energy added at a certain point needed to increase speed, only increases weight.  This may be reason to examine Supersymmetry fermion and/or dark matter in more detail when considering particle velocity.
    The most obvious reason for rejecting time travel is; if one where to return to the past, every particle and wave in the universe would have to be in the exact same place and in the same state and moving in the same direction at the same velocity as they were at the given time visited. This would have to be repeated for every moment spent in the past. Given that time ( place and circumstance) and chance influence the randomness of the human will, as well as all split second decisions ..All human actions would have to remain exactly the same as they were in the past for the duration of the visit. ...that is beyond probability maybe even an impossibility..If you were to return all matter to its state, lets say in June12th of 1945 you would have to use the matter we are currently existing in. There would be no matter to form a future to return to. The amount of matter in the universe is fixed. It would have to be squared for every moment you spent in the past. Time is simply how we quantify and order events that happened in the past.Not something that can be traversed or traveled..
    The fact is we live in a world governed by fixed laws of nature. Our current reality is not a video that can be replayed, or visited when we want later. It is a good thing too. Can you imagine a world where your current neighbors great, great, great, grandson hates your great, great, great grandson and returns from the future to kill you so your great, great great grandson will have never existed. I am only kidding, but that is the kind of problems that would arise if God would have allowed time travel.Time is not a fabric like space. It is a system of measurement used to record motion and events played out on, or within the fabric of space. Sorry Doctor Who, you are all wet..

                                                    Wesley Jones

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