Where there is liberty there is variety. Not all people have the same tastes, background or level of knowledge. Many people view the diversity in Christianity as a flaw or an excuse to dismiss it. There are some divisions that are detrimental. The division between the churches who believe the Bible to be the word of God and those who believe to be just literature is a serious one.. I am a Biblical Christian. The Jesus I worship is the Jesus of the Bible. The rules and standards I govern my life by are the ones found in the scriptures. My first allegiance is to what I believe to be the word of God, The Holy Bible.
Because my knowledge of God and scripture is incomplete and limited I attend church to learn from others. Unlike many Christians I feel free to attend many different kind of churches..( I have found sinners and saints in all of them.). Some of the church services I have been in were awe inspiring. While others bordered on being dreadful and something to be endured. But I can honestly say I am a better person for attending each and every service I went to. Our churches and denominations are imperfect because we are imperfect.. Many (but not all ) of the divisions found in Christianity were fostered by noble attempts to offer something a parent church did not offer. Some enhanced the kingdom of God, some did not.
What I believe would go a long way in uniting Christianity is not a single denomination or any denomination for that matter. But for each individual church within an organization to strive to produce people who thoroughly search and study the scriptures for themselves. And seek God and His will for their lives on their own. Our ignorance of God and His word is what divides us..It also leaves us vulnerable to false teachers and those who would use us for monetary gain. Our collective and individual knowledge of the Bible unites us as a Christian people.Without coercion or loss of liberty. I believe it is the church leadership's job to produce free and educated Christians who are capable of governing themselves. I believe that is something we could all agree on.
Wesley Jones
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