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Top Stories Defend Your Position: America In A Dangerous World

Saturday, December 4, 2010

America In A Dangerous World

 When George Washington spoke about our countries place in the world, he constantly warned his countrymen about showing favoritism toward any people. He stressed we should be a friend to all people; while trying our best not to be involved in the intrigues and squabbles between nations. Washington and Jefferson feared other nations would cause us to sacrifice our liberty and principles in a way that was not in our own interest. This sentiment can be expressed in a colloquial expression that says; "Treat everyone like they are your own mothers children". The Biblical version says; " treat others as you would be treated," and "Do not return evil for evil."
  Up to World War Two the United States had a policy of never attacking civilian or nonmilitary targets. When they joined with Britain in the bombing of Germany, that policy was gradually eroded and even ignored in the Pacific theater. I am not going to argue here whether that was the right thing to do at the time. My point is; if our fate is to overly dependent on other nations, we can lose our uniqueness, or even the moral high ground. If the reason we fight is not to preserve or give others the liberties and benefits we enjoy, can we claim our cause is just? To use methods that shame our own values, even for a temporary gains, is not only morally wrong, but we become enemies of liberty ourselves.
  I do not think we should sacrifice American lives and treasure for any other reason, than to save the lives and liberties of our people, and the unfortunate people in the lands afflicted by war. The reason Japan and Germany became the peaceful and prosperous nations they are today; is  because we insisted that the government we overthrew was replaced with a system that insured the same rights and privileges we ourselves enjoy. I hope we do the same in the lands we are now fighting in. With few exceptions I am very proud of how our military has guarded the rights of the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. But if our aim is only to punish those who have done wrong, with no regard for what we leave behind; the people of those nations are no better off, and we are poorer ourselves..Pray that we win the peace as decisively as we have won the war. Until all people enjoy the rights and liberties we have. Our duty as Americans will never be done.

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