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Top Stories Defend Your Position: A Very Certain And Quick Fix To Our Countries Economic Problems..BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS MADE IN USA !!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Very Certain And Quick Fix To Our Countries Economic Problems..BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS MADE IN USA !!

  While we still have some manufacturing capabilities, and the Jobs that go with them; I think it is time for Americans to think in the long term when considering a purchase for Christmas. There are shops in our cities big and small that specialize in selling products exclusively made in foreign and exotic places. Why some one does not do the same with American made products bewilders me...They could call it  America-Mart or something similar. Government label laws set a standard that must be met before anyone can label a product Made in America. It would not be hard to find items that most of their parts were assembled or manufactured in the United States .
   Until some entrepreneurs finally see the value in this, there are things all of us can do. First before you buy anything for Christmas search for an American version of that product. You may be surprised, many American made products are cheaper because of automation and have higher quality standards. Even if the USA product is not cheaper your choice to spend a few extra cents will keep Americans employed..If you can not find the gift you want that is made in USA, ask the clerks or managers to help you..If enough of us demand and buy USA products all our stores will stock and display them as USA products..
   We can only compete with cheap labor if we can manufacture in volume. OUR American businesses need the volume that comes from their fellow citizens. Charity begins at home..We are already the greatest consumers of foreign made goods..If we began to consume our own goods we will be rich enough to consume even more from other places, it is a win, win for everyone. Buy USA products for Christmas gifts!! You may just help more people in your country and the rest of the world than you can even imagine.. Demand your local retailers stock and label USA made products.. If enough of us do it the recession will be a distant memory real quick..

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