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Top Stories Defend Your Position: Some Ideas I think Might Help In Tough Economic Times.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Some Ideas I think Might Help In Tough Economic Times.

  My generation of Americans has seen prosperity unlike anything that has been seen before. We have seen recessions and economic down turns; but in this country we have not had to endure a crushing depression or mass starvation. Both types of  economies in the past have known both.. The over regulated and the under regulated have known total economic collapse. One of the reasons our generation has been spared is because of our mixed economy. We have had safety nets, so when the poverty caused by economic fluctuations happens it does not snowball  uphill and decimate the middle class. At least not as fast or last as long..Too much government involvement can cause as much economic hardship as not having any.
   I am an economic conservative. I believe business should be as free as possible both financially and in regulatory policy. However allowing monopolies, unfair labor practices, and consumer fraud, violates a greater principle. It is government's duty to protect the average citizen from the predatory and unscrupulous; but we can go overboard  in trying to mitigate the sting of failure and fraud. To be free, is to be allowed to fail as well as not being punished for succeeding..To be free we must trust our fellow citizens and businesses will obey the existing laws until proven otherwise. To be free means, we are not punished, or regulated, or loose freedoms because of the conduct of others.
   The Bible teaches God set up government to punish those who do evil and reward those who do right..In layman's terms. Government's job is to protect it's citizens and their reward, ( legitimately gained prosperity). It is also has a duty to protect  the fruits of doing right from those who do not want to live and prosper by legitimate or legal means. I think we all want to help those who are less fortunate with our taxes and/or charity. But it is not governments job to make everyone financially equal. Not all labor, effort, products, risk or diligence is equal.
   To take the fruits of someones labor who has legally prospered and give it to someone else; should not be done without a lot of thought, and respect for the effort that person expended in acquiring that wealth. People Should not be taxed to make others their financial equal. They should be taxed to protect their rights, property and help them with commerce ( infrastructure), and safeguard them and their families from destitution and catastrophe.
  What is a fair tax? That is a tough question. I have searched the history books and economic theories for the answer. I have found no better answer than I found in the Bible. A flat tax not unlike how the Israelites funded their theocracy..I have come to believe a flat tax has been  rejected on all sides because either it is what was used in the Bible, or seems too simple an answer to such a contentious subject. Before someone dismisses the idea please give me a chance. I can defend my position with reason and commonsense.
    Since all who live and work in our country share the benefit of our various governments. All individuals should be expected to pay for those benefits equally..( an equal amount according to their ability to pay) this should be applied no matter what the source of their income.. The only tax exemptions allowed should be dependents PERIOD!  The self employed would be taxed on their bankable net income....Example:  A labor makes $300 dollars a week, a professional makes $3000 a week ...Their state tax liability is 5% and their federal tax liability is 5% .. the laborer would pay 15$ to the state and 15 $ to the fed gov.per week. totaling $30.The professional would pay 150$ to the state and 150$ to the Fed. Gov...per week. totaling $300 per week.
      The weekly tax liability for the laborer is $30...The weekly tax liability for the professional is $300.. That is TEN times more than the laborer pays. If that is not a progressive and fair tax I do not think there can be one...The laborer yearly would pay $1560 in state and federal taxes and be given a combined $500 exemption for each member of his family which consists of him, his wife and child, totaling $1500 his tax liability for state and federal government totals 60$ out of a yearly income of  $15600..........The professionals yearly state and federal tax liability is $15600, he is given the same deductions as the laborer for his family of three..His total state and federal tax liability  for one year is $14,100 out of a yearly income of  $156,000..with a flat tax a $300 a week laborer pays 60$ a year and a 3000$ a week professional pays $14,100 a year..
   If this system of taxation was applied there would be no need to tax any business of any kind..they would be free to pay more to employees and  investors, therefore  increasing tax revenue. If not taxed business could expand and replace outdated machinery...Hire more people and provide more perks for their employees. Our tax code would be so simple a first grader could do their parents tax returns; no need for a massive IRS bureaucracy...The tax rates would automatically adjust themselves when your income changed, and there would be no need for contentious legislation....Sometimes the best and most fair solutions are the simplest ones.

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