When I talk about politics the first thing I want people to understand is; I do not think of myself as being above it all. I have favorites, and hold political views I deem as sacred, or at least very important. However I can say, I value my country more than the success of any political faction. I know enough about government and history to know if the party I am registered with, or any other party for that matter, wins every single election it will not be long before we become a one party tyranny.
One of my favorite politicians of all time is, John Quincy Adams. He was generally despised in his day, even by his own party, almost as much as the opposing one. Not so much for what Adams did, but what he refused to do..He refused to support things he thought were not in his country's best interest. Even if those things were purposed by his own party.
Adams being a true patriot, knew governing included compromise; he understood every issue is not an all or nothing choice. What I admired most was his willingness to help other factions achieve worthwhile things for his country. He did not care who got the credit as long as his country got the benefit. I am sure there are those historians who are unable to look past his very human faults. One thing any honest person would admit; John Quincy Adams for the most part did what he thought best for our nation even if it meant being hated by his own party or an opposing one. His lack of success was not due to lack of knowing and trying to do what was best for his country. It was due to partisan jealousies..
In my assessment patriotism is not defending a policy I believe harmful, or even immoral. Because my party or my country promote something, does not make it right. However I feel it is my patriotic duty to defend our process, and constitution, even if it does not always produce the results I want, or think best. To me true patriotism is a humility that acknowledges the combined electorate very well may know more than me as an individual. Our founding fathers shared this view. They gave us a democratic republic; where no one individual is treated as the final arbiter of truth. We have a system that benefits from the collective knowledge of the people, and does not rest on the judgement of a single person or party.
Without humility and a willingness to compromise, we can become obstacles to the collective wisdom of our fellow citizens. Our job is not to destroy those with whom we disagree. If we believe we are right and those who oppose us are wrong. It is our patriotic duty to convince them, or inform the electorate of the worthiness of our cause. All of us need to always approach politics with the knowledge, that we ourselves are not infallible. Freedom protects us and others when we have wrong ideas, as well as when we promote right ones. Many mistakenly believe our Lord and Savior's admonitions concerning how we are to treat others, (even our perceived enemies) does not pertain to politics..They could not be more wrong.
for more US politics www.olhardireito.blogspot.com