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Top Stories Defend Your Position: What Does Our God Demand Or Expect Of Us?

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Does Our God Demand Or Expect Of Us?

  All the denominations, sects and differences we find in Christianity alone, are testament to the confusion or lack of cohesive thought on this subject. I became a Christian at the age of 20; I am now 52 and am still searching for God's will, and trying to find my place or calling in this world. I know what I want to do, and how I wish to get there, at least in part. However I am not all knowing and have no way to know with any certainty what the future holds unless God reveals it to me; especially when it comes to the everyday details of a life lived among others, who do things unexpectedly, unreasonably, and often with unknown motives.
   What God expects of us in my opinion can be understood. Maybe not in the everyday minutia and mundane decisions we have to make. But certainly how we approach these decisions . What I believe God wants from me and everyone else for that matter; is for us to be decent and kind human beings. As I search the scriptures I have found that what God demands of us is not unreasonable.  God knows we are fallible and weak, and even offers us a portion of His strength. The Bible teaches us there is a reward for those who honestly and persistently seek to please God. A big part of that reward is a knowledge of how to obey Him; and being gifted and empowered to be able to obey Him.
   When I was a young man, and even a younger Christian, I thought what I wore, what I ate and drank, or didn't eat or drink, and how many rules and regulations I kept, was what God's primary concern was. As I persistently sought to please and know God, and His will. I began to realize it was not so much about what I did outwardly, but who I was on the inside. God wanted me to allow Him to change me from the inside out. No matter what I do, if done out of wrong motives, in the end does not help me, my fellow man or even God.
   Micah was an Old Testament prophet. He spoke for God to Israel, and spoke for the people to God. He ask God as a spokesman for Israel; ( paraphrase ) what do you want from us? Do we need to give more money, more sacrifices, or even our first born to wipe away our sin? God's answer through Micah was; ...    " He has shown thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." Not much has changed since Micah other than the fact it is even harder to do those things now.
  But our God has not left us without a solution. The Biblical God has sent us His only begotten Son to pay the penalty of our sin, and to lead and befriend us. Jesus Christ has promised us, His burden is light, and we can find rest for our souls in Him. Jesus also promises He will send not only comfort, but the ability to please our God from our inside out. The fruits of following, Jesus The Messiah, are the very things that Pleased God in Micah's time..Love, joy, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness. self-control, ....If we seek these things we do not need rules and regulations to govern our actions. And more importantly we are doing our duty, fulfilling our obligation to God, and our fellow man..

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