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Top Stories Defend Your Position: November 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

I Am An American Patriot For Many Of The Same Reasons I Am A Christian.

   One of the most appealing things about Christianity to me; is the opportunity to be forgiven and to start afresh.
To be able to hold wrong opinions or promote wrong ideas whether in malice or ignorance, and not be held permanently or legally accountable is a wonderful gift. God gives His children time and room to make mistakes and grow, just like we do our own kids. The Bible teaches us; "Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty". I have not been in a room with more than two people ever; where everyone agreed on every single issue. This includes politics, religion or any other issues being discussed.
   God knows we are but dust, not all knowing beings. Our country's founders knew we were flawed and can be self serving. Both God and our founders set up safe guards to protect us from ourselves and others. God's mercy is provided in His Son Jesus Christ. How we treat others who do not share our views is governed by the teachings and love of Jesus. In America when our politicians change we are not punished for supporting the side that loses, nor are we forced to change our views by the winner. If humans do not allow others to hold opposing views; who's views do we use to set up as indisputable. We all have seen how the Bible and the constitution are used to promote vastly differing views.
   This is not to say we do not have a guide to interpret them in a way that promotes the liberty and general welfare of all our fellow citizens, as well as others in this world. I defend Biblical Christianity because it allows me space to repent , and does not demand perfection, but encourages me to strive for it. I support the political system our founding fathers set up in this country because it protects me when I am right as well as when I am wrong..I need mercy as much as I need liberty. We all do.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dealing With Our Personal Enemies

  One of the things you learn early in life, is not all people will like or agree with you. No matter how honorable your intentions or convincing your argument, nor how right your cause; There are people who out of ignorance, malice, or envy will oppose you. What I have learned from experience is that God has always had my back, and reputation covered. There have been times when I have known people were for various reasons, trying to harm me or my reputation. Not being a rich or influential man, I had little recourse other than the belief  that some day God would vindicate me. Fortunately I have lived long enough to wittiness the faithfulness of God. The Bible teaches those who have been wronged are not to return evil for evil and depend on God for justice. Those of us with limited influence have a  champion In Jesus Christ.
   The reward for doing right is not often immediate. Neither is the punishment for doing evil. Because Justice is often delayed it is not always apparent, that continuing to do good ,and refraining  from evil is is the right choice.
When you know you are being mistreated or maligned in some way; it is hard not to strike back in the same manner. However we are taught by God, vengeance belongs to Him. Rest assured He will not leave us at the mercy of those who hate us
   God has promised us, He will not forget our faithfulness or perseverance in obeying Him. He tells us," be not weary in well doing , for in due season you will reap if you faint not (quit)".  As far as our enemies go; they are spreading a net and digging a pit that they themselves shall be caught in. Our Lord Jesus taught us to love and forgive our enemies; feed and clothe them if necessary; but never return evil for evil.. It might not look like it now. But I know from personal experience; GOD HAS GOT MY BACK and the back of every other faithful Christian.. There is a reward for doing right and rejecting evil. And this is promised to us by the one who vows to never leave or forsake us, even to the end of the world..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Cry Of The Poor

  This poor man cried and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all of his troubles.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What About Beer ? .......I Like IT......And Am Willing To Defend My Position

 The Bible teaches God hath made the earth and all good things in it. Psalm 104 , verse 15 tells us He also" made the wine that maketh glad the heart of  man and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengthens men's heart. It is reported that Ben Franklin once said ..(.My paraphrase)..I know God loves mankind because He gave us beer....The Bible teaches us in Proverbs, " Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine to those who are heavy of heart..Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more..I am also aware of the Bibles warnings about over indulgence, and the lure it has on those who lack self control..
   As a person that has had his share of both poverty and misery, as I am sure many of you have..I am the last guy that wants to forbid a poor working guy from having a beer and a smoke..My view is what is done in moderation, legally and with regard to others. Is quite frankly their own business..I really enjoy having a couple of beers with friends and family ..As a professing Christan who does not want to cause others to stumble, I would like to add.. When I was not mature enough to drink responsibly; I quit until I had more self control. I haven't been drunk sense. I smoke to calm me when the sorrows and regrets of the past overtake me. I also use it as a break from tedious intensive study . Tobacco clears and refreshes my mind. However if I do not have good genetics, just as is the case with food, even what I consume in moderation may effect my health. But I know God is primarily concerned about the content of my heart and the purity of my mind..
   Christianity teaches, our salvation is not based on how long we live down here. Or what we eat or consume. Salvation rests upon acknowledging and repenting of our sin; and believing and asking Jesus Christ to save us ..We are kept in the fold and are able to overcome our ever occurring weakness by a relationship with Jesus the Christ ( Messiah)  until the very end of the life down here. Jesus said in Matthew 11 28-30..Come unto me, all ye heavy laden, and I will give you rest..Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest for your souls..For my yoke is easy and my burden light.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Creating Jobs Is Not Rocket Science

  The first thing that needs to be changed when  trying to create jobs; is our understanding of taxation. The only ones paying taxes are individuals..No matter how much we tax a business or an organization it does not pay one thin dime..All costs including taxes, regulation and permits are passed on to consumers, or taken from employees and stock holders...The only thing taxing a business does, is make it more expensive to do business. When ever taxes are levied on a business the first to suffer is the employee..Their wages are either lowered, frozen or stop all together due to layoff.. Next comes the detriment to the company's  market share. The cost of the increase in taxes and regulation; is passed on to the consumers. Making it certain buyers will consider purchasing the item from a producer with lower costs; such as  companies in third world countries. The company stock looses value as it it's ability to pay dividends decreases, drying up investment.
                    THE SOLUTION TO JOB CREATION IS.
   Make this country the least complicated, most profitable and cheapest place on earth to start up or run a business. That is what creates jobs.. This is such an easy concept to grasp why do our politicians continue to destroy our economy by destroying our businesses? In my opinion it is because of ignorance, fear and especially envy. The Bible teaches that envy is the cruelest, and most unreasonable of all human emotions..Anger can be appeased and soothed. Ignorance can be educated and enlightened. Fear can be reasoned with, and abated with encouragement..But envy is unreasonable, unable to be placated or enlightened.  The Bible tells us, " Wrath is cruel, anger is outrageous, but who is able to stand before envy"?  It also teaches contentment is the life or joy of our existence in this world...While envy is rottenness of the bones, and corrupts our very being.
   I can think of no better example of what envy can do to an individual and those around them; then to look at one of the most pathetic figures in all of human history; Karl Marx..I have read biographies of him, as well as his work and personal papers. There is no human in history that lusted more, for the power and privilege that accompanies wealth than Karl Marx. His life was spent in what can only be described as unimaginable bitterness. He was unwilling to labor or invest effort to produce a product that would add value and wealth to society. Instead he lusted for and envied the economic gains of those who were willing to. He was completely reliant on the charity of the rich whom he hated, envied and wanted to destroy
   There were injustices for sure in Marx's day..They were being preached against in Christian pulpits all over Christendom .. In my study of history I found that the child labor laws, work week and workplace improvements, as well as the better treatment of criminals and the mentally impaired; were in large part due to the activism of Christians, and their leaders. Just as was the case with the demise of slavery and Jim Crow.
  Because Marx hated Christianity and the Biblical God even more than those who had more money than he did. He came to draft documents that have caused more misery, poverty, starvation and loss of liberty than any other writings in human history. The insatiable hatred and envy of the rich, and contempt for God that permeates the writings of Marx, is still  being felt today.. Many countries that have rejected the Bible use his teachings as a guide to government. The world is now on the precipice of economic collapse. Not because of the oppression of private enterprise, or too much individual liberty, or the right to private property. Our current job situation is due to politicians playing to mankind's most destructive instincts.
   The Bible clearly teaches us, we can not prosper by destroying, and stealing from those who have more than us. Nor is it fair to over regulate, punish or burden businesses that have committed no crime..Do we punish all of our children when one disobeys..Proverbs 17 verse 26,  "To punish the just is not good, nor to strike princes for equity"..Tearing someone else down does make us their equal.  It only takes us lower and makes it harder for  everyone else to prosper.

Friday, November 19, 2010

No One Wants To Be Hated

   The Bible teaches us it is always better to tell someone the truth; or say nothing at all, rather than to say the wrong their doing is right... The book of Proverbs has a haunting warning for us..( " He that saith to unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him. But to those who rebuke the wicked, happiness and blessing will be given to them"). The historical evidence for the veracity of this statement is undeniable.
    Those who justified or supported Stalin, Hitler or Mao. are at least partially responsible for the suffering and death of millions..At the time they thought they were on the cutting edge of sophisticated thought. So what was obviously wrong and contrary to Biblical teaching, was defended because of rebellion against God, or in order to avoid scorn. The world now holds them in utter contempt. And those that fought against them are regarded as heroes.
    Another example of historical infamy, are the people who started a terrible civil war, and those who justified them. The main reason being, so they could continue to engage in slavery. Many knowing in their heart of hearts; what the proponents of slavery stood for was in violation of everything the Bible taught and Christ commanded..If they knew anything else they certainly knew the golden rule; " treat others in the way you want to be treated."; or the, Sermon on the mount... Rather than call what was obviously wrong sin. They in rebellion, hatred or in order not to be ostracized by their neighbors, called what was wicked , righteous. They now occupy a despised place in history.
   One more example is how the early church turned from the teaching of the Bible and the authority of Christ; and turned to contrary opinions and the authority of corrupt church officials. The results were persecutions like the Spanish inquisition. Those who at the time defended the inquisitions and called the wickedness, righteousness; are now viewed as some of the most detested individuals in history. I could find hundreds of more examples in history where people called others who were obviously teaching or doing things contrary to what God and the Bible taught, righteous. The result is always the same. When people call wrong right; they always become in the end, despised examples of shame..
   There is an unshakable truth that threads throughout all of human history. It is expressed in, Proverbs 21 verse 30..("There is no wisdom, nor understanding, nor counsel against the Lord.)... Almost every subject I have studied has examples of people who thought they knew better than God. They gathered and corrupted supporters, and without exception they ruined themselves along with others, and were guaranteed to be despised by their own and subsequent generations.
   Before I go on I want to differentiate between remaining temporarily silent about wickedness, and supporting or encouraging wickedness. We live in a dangerous and corrupt world we have to pick our battles. We can not spend all our time and effort correcting and condemning everybody else. We have to work and take care of our families. Some people need our love and patience before they need our opinion or correction. There are places too dangerous to openly oppose the wicked. This is expressed in the Biblical teaching that warns us, "Do not be over much evil. Why should you destroy thyself".  There are Biblical examples of God's people quietly and cautiously picking their battles; yet refusing to call the wicked, righteous.
   The main reason people fall into the trap of calling wicked people or wicked things righteous; is they think too highly of men. The Bible teaches there is no man that will not sin for a piece of bread..If we are faced with believing the Bible or believing everyone else,; always believe the Bible. The apostle Paul warned the Romans; "Let God be true and every man a liar". I can not think of one example in history where someone who rebelled against God and the Bible, did not bring sorrow and suffering on themselves and others.
   If history is any indication; if we knowingly call those who are doing wickedness, righteous; our prognosis is not good. We will ruin ourselves, others and be hated for the misery we have wrought in the world... The only people that are calling the wicked of past generations righteous are the wicked of this generation.. Those of us that encourage others to ignore God and do wickedly in the end will be hated by the very ones we are encouraging to do wrong and calling righteous..Those of us who rebuke and warn the wicked and turn them from certain destruction; will be adored and loved by the very ones we are accused of hating..

Thursday, November 18, 2010


   Of all the things in this life that are hard to comprehend; why God allows there to be war is one of the most difficult to answer. God has in spite of man's propensity towards violence, chosen to let people be free to act in a way that is not in their best interest.To understand why, we have to look at the alternatives.
  God has made man in his own image in the sense, we are given the power to act out of our own volition. We are to free to choose to be kind and just, or cruel and self serving. That is what constitutes personal liberty. God has the power to be how ever He wants to be. God is good because he chooses to be; not because He  has not the power to do otherwise. He could have easily made us in the image of animals; they are governed by the laws of nature and instinct, and lack the power to do good or evil. God could have also made us into robots; programed to do exactly what we are told; not worthy of reward or punishment. Animals can crave and like things. Humans can hope for and appreciate things. Robots can do neither.
   The next obvious question is why doesn't God intervene in cases like war and catastrophe. My answer is; He does, more than we will ever know. Part of letting your children grow up and be free to become what they want to be; is to let them suffer the consequences of their own actions. Because we are all guilty of sins of commission and omission; our fate is intertwined with the fate of those around us. God has consistently warned individuals and nations; certain behavior produces certain results. When individuals and nations turn from that behavior and repent;  God always forgives, and very often intervenes; choosing  not to let man suffer the consequences of his actions. Other times, just like we do with our own children, or criminals, some behavior is so serious punishment has to be administered in the interest of justice, and detouring similar behavior.
   Before we blame God for allowing war or any human suffering for that matter. We need to remember there was no suffering of any kind before mankind sinned. The suffering we see to day is the result of all of our personal and collective sin. Disease, famine and war are the byproduct of our rebellion against our God. He could destroy anyone who disobeys Him. If He did who among us would survive? He could turn us all into instinct driven animals or programed robots. God could remove all children and repentant Christians so they did not have to ever suffer because of the sins of others anymore. But what kind of hopeless joyless world would be left behind? The Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation.
   What God has chosen to do is; to give mankind the liberty to love or hate Him, obey or rebel against Him.
God has given us the opportunity to behave heroically or demoniacally. We can make the world a better place, or self indulge. But be warned, our choices have very real and serious consequences; both now and eternally. He has given us the liberty to govern our own conduct. How we use that liberty is entirely up to us. God has not left us without hope or instruction. He has given us His written word; The Holy Bible, to instruct, warn, chastise and comfort us. God has also given His Son to pay for our sins and provide mercy even for the vilest offenders among us.
  Jesus Christ not only will one day rule us in perfection without any kind of sorrow. He has given us an opportunity NOW to let Him govern our conduct, and provide an example in such a way that we could alleviate much of the sorrow and misery around us..War is not God's fault it is ours; but God did not leave us without a remedy..

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Our Economic Woes, Is There Hope?

   I am not going to use hyperbole to blame one side or the other for our current economic problems. In my opinion it was what could be called a perfect economic storm..There were so many economic conditions that had to be present all at one time for us to have that kind of melt down. I believe the scope and breadth of what happened was so vast it was beyond what a single politician could cause or prevent or even fix..
   At the risk of sounding like I believe myself to be some kind of economic guru; I will share what I do know about economics, both historically and practically.  I have read the works of the following economists: Adam Smith, Milton Friedman, Friedrich Von Hayek , John Stuart Mill, John Kenneth Galbraith, John Maynard Keynes, and Karl Marx, among others. Those who know a little about economics know; this list reflects a broad spectrum of  economic thought.
   As in any other subject, economics has differing opinions about how things work, what causes them to not to work and how to fix them..Sorting through what is accurate and what is useless is an enormous task. I use a method that will seem foreign, even preposterous to non Christians, or those who are unfamiliar with the Bible.
  I search the scriptures for enlightenment; looking for precepts, commandments, or examples that pertain to whatever subject I am dealing with at the time. All people who study at a depth that includes reading differing opinions; have to have benchmarks, standards or an ethos to draw a conclusion. If not every book you read would be the answer until you read the next book..Your conclusion would change with each article you read whether it was the right one or not. There are no unbiased observers or intellectuals. All carry baggage to the argument. All of the subjects I have studied whether it be biology or theoretical physics; the Bible has had information that helps me to arrive at a intelligent and accurate conclusion. Man's ability to reason is not sufficient, because what is reasonable to one, is foolishness to another.
   I will paraphrase a line that Benjamin Franklin penned in his critique of  Thomas Paine's  Age of Reason ; If you think man is foolish and barbaric with religion, wait to you see him without religion. We only have to look back at the French revolution or twentieth century and see the cruelty Atheistic Ideology visited upon the world..Franklin was right. The death toll was staggering. I say all of this to defend my method of trying to find solutions for the overwhelming difficulties we face today.
   Since government has the power to tax and regulate an individuals economic activity. We have to look for principles and examples given in the Bible that address both individual and governmental responsibility. What I believe is the example of God's best for man when it came to government; is expressed in the history of Samuel. After the Israelites were given the 5 books of Moses. They were instructed to use them to police themselves in all their activity, both private and public.They could choose or dismiss local leadership.  They were given the freedom to voluntarily assist each other in things of mutual interest, like defense of their land or large projects with public benefit.
   When the Israelites in large numbers began to reject or forget the law of Moses. They began to rebel against God, and the prophets sent to warn, guide and assist them. They began to clamor for a king and more government..The further the people strayed from a common code of conduct the more chaotic and dangerous their society became..Men began to do what is right in their own eyes..Meaning they did  what was in their own selfish interest with no regard for God or others. Despite Samuel's efforts to get them to voluntarily return to obeying the Biblical Law and govern themselves; they refused and demanded a king.. Thomas Jefferson may have not known it at the time, but he stumbled upon at least a partial Biblical truth when he said, " The government that governs least governs best". There is something the Biblical text adds to Jefferson's thought. If you will not obey God and govern yourself; some one else will be appointed to do it for you and there is no guarantee that person will do it gently or fairly..
   In spite of Samuel telling them how a king and his government would demand and devour their wealth; take their sons for his army, and their daughters for servants.They began to demanded a king even more..Samuel was despondent. God told Samuel they have not rejected you, they have rejected me, and refuse to govern themselves.
   This brings me to the next obvious Biblical example we can use to understand economics. The story of Solomon's son Rehoboam. He was the king immediately after his father Solomon. Jeroboam a famous soldier and leader in Israel approached Rehoboam with all the faithful leaders and people of Israel. He gave a speech which I will paraphrase in the interest of brevity....He told the king to take away all the heavy burden of taxation and regulation his father had  laid upon them. Because it had become too grievous for the people to carry .If  the king did they would serve him. I will give some context to shed some light on what brought Israel to that point.
    After Solomon turned his back on God he began to build palaces for his wives,and temples for their gods. He started great projects, some useful, most not. He taxed, regulated and coerced  the populace to fund and build his projects..He had almost bankrupted the nation..The people of Israel united and chose Jeroboam as their spokesman. He gave Rehoboam
   Rehoboam  immediately sought council from the old wise men of the court..They told him to listen to the people and serve them, not subdue them, and they would serve him forever..He then ask the opinions of the young guys who he hung around with and grew up with..They told him to tell the people..( Paraphrase) Knock it off..I will raise your taxes and coerce you many times worse than my father did..(Their own words) Tell the people, "My father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions..In my opinion the Bible is the greatest  document ever written on  how to maintain personal liberty, and deliver sound governance..
   We are the richest, but most wasteful country in history. If we do not take care of our less fortunate citizens in a Biblical, compassionate way... The government will, and do it in their own way..I will add here there are problems so vast government does need to help; but always without creating unwarranted dependence.If we do not apply Biblical ethics in order to police ourselves in business, politics and culture the government will. Usually without regard to Biblical principle.
  We have given government much of our wealth and liberty just as the Israelites did..Not because it is a better or cheaper way to do things; and not because our rulers are smarter or better in someway. It is because we reject the Person and the Book God gave us. They are what makes it possible for us to be free and govern ourselves..If this issue is not addressed we will continue to be less prosperous and free..This is not a diatribe against government. Some form of government is absolutely necessary, because not all men have faith, and those who do are flawed. There are legitimate things we need government for. Especially in a very dangerous, volatile world.. This is about what standards and precepts our leaders use to govern us..It is about what makes a nation free, prosperous and a nice place to be..
   Because our problems are due to Biblical ignorance, self indulgence and rebellion, they CAN be remedied...There is hope; but not in someone else making us do right. The cost of monitoring, prosecuting and punishing criminal behavior is staggering. So is the cost of doing for us what we should be doing ourselves..Shifting our own responsibilities to our government is not free monetarily or conducive to personal freedom..Government taking away those responsibilities and choices is tyranny....But when we refuse to govern ourselves there are few options..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Personal Wealth Evidence Of Divine Favor.

   This a complex question, there are Biblical examples one could use on either side of the argument. There is Abraham who was born into a prosperous family. Then increased his wealth many fold. His son Issac inherited the wealth while his son Jacob became poor after he left Canaan, then became rich afterwards. Moses was born a slave, raised as a prince and became a penniless fugitive. Prophets and apostles have been very rich and extremely poor. We have John The Baptist, Jesus, and a group of poor fishermen. King David was born a poor shepherd and became a King. Solomon was blessed by God and became the wealthiest man of his age. He then turned his back on God and died in splendor.
  There are passages in the Bible if not taken in context and without the knowledge of the entire Bible; could be used to make the argument that all the faithful will be made rich. Other passages could be used to make the case only the poor and down and out have God's favor and blessing. The Old Testament instructs the faithful on the principles and habits needed to acquire and maintain wealth.While warning about the futility and vanity of earthly possessions. In the book of James we are warned about favoring and pampering the rich at the expense of the poor.  Because God has chosen the poor who are rich in faith.We are told the rich blaspheme God and are incessantly dragging the poor into courts to take what little they have. In other places in the new Testament extremely wealthy Christians are regarded as heroes. They protected and provided for the apostles. They also fed and clothed entire persecuted congregations.
   There are two passages from the Bible that express what I believe to be a summary of what our view should be; and what God has promised us concerning prosperity. Proverbs 30 verses 8-9 " Remove far from me vanity and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me, Lest I be full, and deny thee and say, Who is the Lord? Or lest I be poor and steal, and bring dishonor  to your name". King David reflected on God's providence in   Psalms 37 verse 25-26.  I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor their seed begging bread. They are ever merciful, and lendeth, and their seed is blessed.
   The Bible gives principles and commands that tell us how to be successful in any endeavor we choose. The promises of God are not open ended they are given to those who faithfully obey Him in all walks of life. No matter how much we give hoping for a return . If we are not obeying scripture in other facets of our life.The only thing a large amount of money would do, is make it easier and quicker for us destroy ourselves. David said "I have not seen the "RIGHTEOUS" forsaken. God is not an enabler for those who want wealth to self indulge. He is a helper to those who love and obey Him. There is a reward for the righteous who are mercifully generous, but it is not based on % or compulsion. Even before Christ fulfilled the law that included tithing; God still demanded giving for the right reasons.. It is based upon compassion, recognizing need and voluntarily being obedient, not a desire for wealth
    Sadly there are those in Christendom who in their attempt to solicit donations do not teach the entire Biblical perspective on wealth. Many are fabulously wealthy and constantly brag about how much they have. They attribute it to their unique, superior spirituality. They constantly repeat the scripture ( give and it shall be given to you ); then try to put their followers back under the law in attempt to convince them to give a tenth of their income. All the while ignoring the scripture Proverbs 22 verse 16 that warns; " He that oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and,  HE THAT GIVETH TO THE RICH SHALL SURELY COME TO WANT".. They do not encourage giving out of compassion and the needs of those in misery. They prey upon peoples desire to be rich. And the quickest way to that end, is to have them to donate before they leave the building or turn off the TV.  Fortunately there are a lot more honest Christians asking for donations to feed and clothe the poor as well as bringing the hope and mercy of the gospel..
   The Bible does teach Christians how to succeed,  to acquire and maintain wealth... Diligence, sobriety, control of anger, honesty, fairness, hard work, attention to details , controlling your tongue, and hospitality are just a few. Merciful generosity towards those less fortunate is also a very big part of that. The command to give your money to a rich man for the sole purpose of becoming rich yourself,  is no where to be found in scripture...

Monday, November 15, 2010

How Our Eschatology Effects Our Politics

  Eschatology is the study of what is commonly known in Christianity as, the last days or end times. When I was about 12 years old I had gotten a hold of some pamphlets and recordings dealing with this issue. Not knowing that there are many differing opinions dealing with this subject. I took what was being said at face value. The authors and speakers in the material where prophesying  the end was certain and very near, not more than a year or two away at the very most. It was around 1970 at the time. This was beginning to affect how I began to behave and think..My teacher after handing back a test that I had scored 100%  ask me to go out into the hall so she could talk to me..She said I had aced every test and classroom assignment she had thrown at me: but could not give me a good grade on my report card. Because I had not handed in even one piece of homework, or taken a single book home the entire year. She ask me why. My response was. The world is not gong to last more than a couple of years at best, so what's the use.
   Eschatology matters, it effects how we view our country our church and even our future. I have heard end times prophets declaring that our nation, according to them, was the great whore of Babylon spoken about in the book of Revelation. Others say it is Islam the Catholic church, Atheism, or Paganism.. Every new president, pontiff or charismatic world leader is a potential anti-Christ. I am not saying this to mock Christianity, the Bible or even the very important study of eschatology. I am a Christian,ordained minister and former pastor. The problem is not eschatology in its self. The problem is eschatology that is based upon conjecture, opinion, and fear; and not the serious, disciplined study of the Biblical text.
   Errors or conjecture is not limited to any certain church or political point of view. I have heard Ronald Reagan called the anti-Christ as often as I have heard that president Obama is. I am not going to launch into some lengthy discourse on what is Biblical and sound eschatology. I am going to give some, what I believe to be sound principles to sort through the many different opinions. I also want to show how a proper understanding of eschatology can positively effect American Politics.
    The first thing that needs to be dealt with is, the notion that someone can know when Christ will return to take His church out of the world ( rapture ). The Bible teaches the mysteries of the 7 year tribulation will not be revealed until the rapture takes place. This is the catalyst for the Biblical end time punishment known as the Great Tribulation. Christ clearly stated no one but His Father, the God of the Holy Bible knows. He and His apostles taught that the proper mindset was to be morally prepared so it would never take you off guard; and to work to make the world you live in a better place for your children. Because there is a chance Christ will not return in our life time. In my opinion both of these approaches need to be applied or our society begins to deteriorate.
   As a former pastor I know there are those who believe there is no rapture of the church, or it has already happened or will happen later and the great tribulation is already upon us. This view can not be supported by Biblical revelation and leads to terror and gross speculation about who the anti-Christ is and how the mark of the beast will be given. I have read the books of those who hold this view and listened to their argument. I have no other way to put it. They are dead wrong. Some of them  think too highly of themselves and too little of others. Some are often mean and disruptive when they attend church. This problem has plagued the church since the apostle Paul kicked two men out of the early church for teaching the rapture was missed and the great tribulation was already upon them. If the two men had been right, the Bible teaches the tribulation period is to last only seven years. There would be no reason to try to make our society a better place for our children; and every leader and organization is suspect and dangerous. What I usually tell those who are genuinely confused about this issue is. If people who you know to be faithful Christians, and persons under the age of accountability, mentally or physically, are still here. You have not missed the boat! There is hope for you personally and still hope we can make this a better place in the future.
   There are two major camps we can divide American Christian thought into; Evangelical and Liberal.
The Liberal camp does not believe the Bible to be divinely inspired and accurate. So they focus on social issues and not personal moral ones . This is reflected in their political affiliations. I would say to those with this bent. Society will not be appreciably better until individuals are morally better. The Evangelical camp is a mixed bag that can go to extremes in either direction. To only focus on personal moral issues is to ignore the very real human suffering we have in our power to alleviate. Since we do not know when our Savior is going to return. We are obligated to give our children a better society and government than what we have inherited..Often the Evangelical camp does not demand that their politics include solutions to human misery such as disease and poverty. Whether the misery is caused by happenstance or behavior it doesn't really matter. We need to have our politicians to address it. We also are commanded to do what we can ourselves.
   If you do not believe there is a Biblical  God who will hold us morally accountable for our personal conduct. You do not have a lasting solution to human misery. The Biblical God not only promises mercy and salvation in His Son Jesus Christ. He promises to alleviate the misery caused by fear, guilt and an inability to change behaviors that cause suffering to us, and others. What we believe about the future and after life has everything to do with politics. Our views on eschatology are critical to how we behave right now. Both morally and politically.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Biblical Perspective On Leadership.

  There are so many voices vying for our allegiance these days it is imperative to have a method of sifting the wheat from the chaff. In a nation founded upon religious and political liberty, the decision is one we are allowed to make for ourselves. We are commanded by the Christian scriptures to obey existing laws, and pay our taxes. However we are not bound to obey laws, or lawmakers that try to force us to deny the tenets of our faith. There are Biblical principles that can be applied to determine if another person is fit to lead others. Forcing others to disobey or disavow the Biblical Christ is a good indication that the person is not worthy of your support and allegiance.
   Whenever I mention Christ in public I try to qualify it by using the phrase, Biblical Christ. The reason being many who claim to be Christians, deny the Biblical account of His life; and/or the instructions He gave us in scripture. This is a very important distinction. If someone rejects the Biblical account of Jesus. They can attribute to Jesus any teaching or attribute no matter how bizarre or detrimental to others. This also happens unintentionally by those who believe the Bible to be true, but are ignorant of it's content.
   When choosing to follow and submit to a spiritual leader, a slightly different approach is taken then when choosing a political leader. The number of choices we have when choosing a political leader are much more limited than when we choose a spiritual leader. I am a person who believes there is a  natural or universal moral law that is common to all mankind. The choices we have may be limited; but many Godly attributes are commonly understood by all. We are all made in the Image of God. So we have an innate ability to do good to and for our fellowman. Even a non Christian can exhibit admirable qualities. I say this to make the point that many of the same standards we would use to find a Christian leader are applicable when choosing a political one. But many are not.
   Perfection is a unattainable goal for any earthly leader. Perfect knowledge can be pursued but not obtained in this life. Many people have an all or nothing approach to leadership. If a leader contradicts even part of what they believe to be true. They reject them entirely, and feel they are not obligated to support or pray for them even in areas where they are right. Understanding the limitations human leaders are bound by, is the first step in choosing a good one. We need leaders to learn in areas they are ignorant..We need leaders to change in areas they are wrong. This is far more important than constantly changing or trying to depose leaders..That is why prayer for those in leadership is so critical..The Bible teaches , "The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, He turns it where ever He chooses". There is hope.
    I have noticed in my study of both political and church history. Many who are unreasonable and belligerent toward any kind of authority, be it public or ecclesiastical.  Usually end up being ruled by demagogues and dictators. Leaders and leadership is not only necessary, but can actually be a gift. They can protect society or congregations by punishing the unscrupulous and rewarding the diligent. If we are fortunate enough to be able to choose our leaders. We need to know what qualities a good and just leader should possess.
   Rather than quoting scripture chapter and verse to build a criteria; I will paraphrase what I believe the Bible teaches to be necessary qualities and right actions of leaders. First and foremost they must do themselves what they demand of others. They must know their mandate is to serve not to dominate or use. They need to have a self awareness of their own fallibility. Being merciful and patient stems from knowing you are no more perfect or infallible than those who have chosen you to lead. In a more perfect world my criteria for all leaders in any position would be. A intimate knowledge of The Biblical God and His Christ;  a profound knowledge of what is true and good as revealed in the Holy Bible; and a history of living and governing according to what is contained therein.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My take on health care..There is hope !

  While talking to someone in management where I worked in the 1980s. I was informed on how much it cost the company to insure just one worker..Although it would be considered a paltry sum by today's standards. I was appalled. I told them that there was no way that could be sustained in the long run. I remember saying if we do not find another way to fund health insurance that many if not most companies will be forced to move factories and facilities to places where there were no expectations of employers to provide health insurance.
   I will admit that is not the sole purpose many of our jobs have ended up over seas and many of our companies have trouble competing. However it certainly one of the main reasons.
    Lack of insurance is one of the top 3 reasons for bankruptcy and foreclosure in this nation. It is the single greatest reason in this nation for cancer deaths that could have been prevented by early detection.. It is the main reason poor children have more health problems and lack dental and eye care. Lack of insurance is one the greatest causes of human suffering !
     I  do think there is a way the government could solve this problem in a way that most people on both the left and right could live with.. Before anyone immediately dismisses me as a kook hear me out please . Vouchers !!
If vouchers could be obtained to shop for the best private insurance that could be found the free market could be used to reduce cost. The vouchers would be given to the destitute for free..The working poor and middle class would pay according to their ability. If there were those who choose not to participate such as the very young or very rich they could for a small fee opt out..The very rich do not always stay rich and the very young do not ever stay young. The fee charged to them would act as insurance for them in times when they need to opt in.. The fee would not have to be punitive because they are not using the vouchers..Those who chose to opt out either to buy a high end insurance plan or pay cash for services rendered would help drive down medical costs because hospitals and doctors could compete for their business in the free market hence driving down cost..
  If this was done at the state level. States, Insurance companies, health care and pharmaceutical companies would be thrown into a free market situation. States would be competing for business an labor by offering the best plan..nsur

Friday, November 12, 2010

Can Humans Produce an Unbiased News Product ?

  We can all find something to complain about when it comes to biased news reporting. So I will start out on a positive note. We are very blessed to live in a country with multiple media outlets. We are free, for the most part, to express our views and have them reflected in multiple media sources and mediums. However sorting through them to determine what is the unbiased, straight forward, presentation of the facts; is another issue entirely. Far too often what we get is, a distortion that is generated by the opinions of the person delivering the news. As long as we occupy this side of heaven. Human nature is not going to change much. However I do believe there are things we can all do to remedy a lot of what ails our news media.
  All constructive change needs leaders. Leaders who are aware or their own humanity and are willing to safeguard others from it's detrimental tendencies. Leadership can come from top or bottom. It's only qualification is; to be willing to do the right and honest thing when we are neither compelled by others to do so, or applauded by others for doing so. A free press by definition can not be forced to be fair or cautious when delivering or choosing news stories. Change that is lasting and effective comes from within. This is true for organizations as much as it is for individuals. A news outlet that has the sole purpose of promoting one point of view at the expense of those who do not share it. Is acting contrary to, or even squandering  the liberty granted to them.
    When efforts are made to give an accurate assessment of the views or facts not compatible with our own opinion. All sides win. When the agenda is to shed as much positive light on our own view and to portray counter opinions in a negative way. News reporting turns into a 3 ring circus; with the ring that makes the most noise getting the most attention. When news becomes about the opinion of the one delivering it. It ceases to be news.
   I have seen people with little more than a degree in journalism berating and badgering "guests" who were credentialed experts in their field. Simply because the expert's view did not reflect their own. I have seen so called "journalists" mock and question the intelligence of politicians that have excelled, and graduated from top universities. While the person hurling the insults, did not have the grades, scores or discipline to even be accepted there. I have seen " journalists "  in interviews show contempt and hatred  for a freely elected official of the people; for no other reason than they did not share the journalist's politics or religion. Many news programs  that focus on political issues are no more than a place where guests that are allowed to talk or expound, must parrot the views of the host. Those who do not share the views of the host are constantly interrupted and lectured on the proper way to think or govern. Many times guest are asked the same question over and over. Not to gain information; but to score debate points or to grind a political or religious  ax.
   Journalism by definition is to record what  ACTUALLY  happened ,or what someone ACTUALLY said, or what someone  ACTUALLY does. It is not to record what the journalist wanted to happen or how they wish someone else to appear to others. To stack or omit information to promote a personal agenda is  antithetical to  what a journalist's job should be in a truly free press.
     All human heroes are flawed. What makes people heroes is not that they have no frailty. They are heroes because they put aside their own self interest and  make an effort to do what is right, fair and best for others. We need heroes in the media, just like every other walk of life. Not to champion our own beliefs; but to champion the cause of  truth no matter where it might be found. We need the media to inform us not to indoctrinate us. We need to know about facts, ideas and events..We do not need to know the opinions, political or otherwise of journalists..We all have opinions that we revere every bit as much as a journalist does his own. For Journalists to promote their own opinion at the expense of any other, is dishonest and unprofessional.
   If you think these ideas have merit. Feel free to share them; with a Journalist perhaps.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Science has proven the Bible to be false...Not so fast my friend!

     The Biblical historical account; if the calculations I used are correct, dates the earth at about 6000 calender years old. It is widely taught today that it is 4.54 billion calendar years old. Before we get to that.  Lets Do a tongue in cheek experiment ..Lets see if the Biblical account is more accurate than a scientist who claimed the earth was only 3000 years old, and claimed he had theories and explanations of why the hard evidence offered in the Biblical account were a myth or allegoric.
   We know from archaeological evidence and the written record that the Biblical account is more plausible. Yet the 3000 year guy offers a master theory that will explain the discrepancies  Then all the the professors who do not like the Bible or do not believe it, and their students, set out to find evidence to prove or make plausible his theory..No evidence that contradicts or challenges the theory that the earth is older than 3000 years will be allowed to be published or taught in Public schools because that would be teaching religion.
  A scientist in the field of biology who also accepts the theory as scientific truth. Puts forth a theory of his own to prove the earth was only 3000 years old, and not 6000 years as the Bible says. His theory is; a space ship dropped some chemicals in the ocean around 3000 years ago and all life sprang from that. He says if he is properly funded, the faculty and students can prove his theory;  if we only look hard enough.
  The Bible says all life is unique and produces after it's own kind and was placed here 6000 years ago.The scientific evidence we already posses says life can not spontaneously generate from non-life and all life forms are predetermined by the genetics and DNA of a parent of the same kind. And there is no evidence that mutations improved upon God's original creation. So more theories have to be developed and more evidence must be excluded and labeled religious.
    A geologist agrees with this new theory. He never had much use for religious people anyway so he puts forth the theory that because the earth is only 3000 years old. The great flood could not have happened because the Bible says it happened more than 3000 years ago. But the geological record proves the earth is older than 3000 years old and the Bible has a written record of a flood, with witnesses to corroborate that the flood happened more than 3000 years ago. So the geologist concocts a theory. The earth surface has been exactly the same for 3000 years. Ever since it was created by a big explosion of stuff. Never mind the scientific evidence shows that at one time or another, every piece of existing land was covered by water. Submerged cities have been found on the ocean floor. There is geological evidence of catastrophic floods on every continent. New theories must be put forth more evidence has to be deemed religious.Especially to explain the millions of fossils all over the world; that to be preserved must have been rapidly covered by wet sediment,  in a sudden world wide catastrophic event.
    Then comes along an Astrophysicist who never liked the 3000 year guy. And could not bring himself to belief God could speak a mature universe into existence. So he does some calculations and figures the Universe is 13.75 billion CALENDER years old... ( That is when the stuff exploded).. and with help of cosmologists and astronomers who share his distaste for God and the Bible. They Calculate the edge of the observable universe is between 46-47 billion LIGHT years away..They begin to mock the Bible and the 3000 years guys. Then someone ask them. If  there are laws of physics who created those laws. Science tells us order is not a product of chaos. The next question broke their heart....  If the universe is only 13.75 CALENDER years old, where was the light traveling 47 billion LIGHT years ago?
  The only explanation is, to believe God stretched out the heavens after he created light. Just like the Bible says and science validates. Time moves faster the farther it moves from the gravity of mass. New theories must be developed and scientific evidence tagged religious. As far as the earth being  4.54 Billion CALENDER years old.... PROVE IT !

Healing Our Culture Without Sacrificing Liberty

  One of my all time favorite songs is the Beatles song ,Revolution. It has a phrase that reflects  the desire of people of all cultures through out history.  " We all want to change the world.". The song also contains an admonition to those who want to tear everything and everyone down and start over.." You need to free your mind instead". It brings another pop song to mind, Micheal Jackson's Man In The Mirror..Where he sets out to change things starting with himself. Those of us who desire to make society  less cruel and profane; we have to start with ourselves.
  This simple approach is an effective place to start, but by no means the only thing that should or can be done. There is a warning given to the followers of Christ in the writings of the New Testament. It is brief and to the point. "Not all men have faith".  Not everyone wants to make this a less cruel and profane place. Not all will believe our cause is noble or even necessary. In the face of that, the task seems herculean. Yet I believe there is hope. A handful of committed citizens can have a profound and positive effect on society. Not everyone has to be converted or even censored for our efforts to produce change.
   The first thing we need to do is to build a consensus that at least somethings need to change. An example of something that all rational people would agree on; graphic pornography that glorifies sexual violence against unwilling victims is not a positive influence in our culture. We do not need to share religious or political beliefs to work together to keep this out of the hands of children We all are made in the image of God, so there is innate capacity in every human being, not only to know what is good, but to do what is good. It has been called natural law. The flip side of that is we are all responsible for obeying that law as far as our ability to understand it. There is a morality that exists that is not negotiable or matter of opinion ..The evidence for a universal moral law is abundant. In every culture in history we have been able to find people who revere virtue; where things like honesty, kindness, friendship and perseverance are held in high esteem. While things like stealing, murder and cruelty to children are held in disdain. Historically all societies expected their people to adhere to at least part of the natural moral law in their dealings with others. If not with their enemies certainly with each other.
   There is a human tendency to want to control and dictate the behavior of others with threats. It is much easier to have a person modify their behavior out of their own self interest and/or the desire to please others. Than to have to spend the effort and capital to monitor, control and punish them. We should make restoration our objective rather then punishment. Even the Bible says, " Mercy rejoices over judgement.
  I believe building a consensus across political and religious lines is essential.There are things all of us will agree are mean, cruel and profane..There are things if allowed will make our country a terrible place to live and raise children and even extremely dangerous. Next comes education. We need to educate the public and our government. We need to identify those things that if tolerated will make us all less free and less safe..There are things that individuals are allowed to do out of a misplaced loyalty to individual freedom. That will rob us all of liberty and personal safety. Liberty is not an all or nothing prospect. Many things if allowed will enslave us....And may even kill us..

Saturday, November 6, 2010

De Funding Ideologues Of All Stripes

  My definition of an Ideologue may, or may not coincide with Webster's, but I think it is a reasonable description of one; especially as it pertains to American politics. An ideologue is best described by example. Here are a couple examples, one from the right, and one from the left.
An uncompromising libertarian  who believes any and all government is inherently evil almost to the point of being an anarchist; and a uncompromising socialist who believes all private enterprise is inherently oppressive almost to the point of being a Marxist. These examples are a crude description of  what I believe to be American political Ideologues.
   I am not going to tag any individuals or political blocs here with the over used word extreme or label them Ideologues. What I hope to do is present a strategy for lessening the influence of  hyper-ideology in our political discourse.
   The quickest way to even out the Ideologues disproportionate control of political debate and legislation is : Change the way they are able to fund  campaigns!  Because far from center positions do not reflect the views of any substantial number of the electorate. They can not fund their campaigns or legislation  with contributions from the average voter. They need money from large interests and the very rich..
   Because so many politicians fund political careers with the money from wealthy donors; (Including themselves) and large organizations.  Their influence is disproportionate to their support among the people.  Rich people can only vote once and organizations can not vote at all. Why should they have more say in politics than a voter who works in a factory? I am for a limit on what an individual can contribute to a candidate (including themselves ) and an out right ban on any money from any organization of any kind. That would include any national party organization, (they could recruit candidates but not fund them). Ban any money  from outside the jurisdiction they do or would represent.  The obvious exception  a presidential election, but with all other restrictions applied.
   Many would say that would be an infringement on free speech. I could not disagree more, and I will tell you why. Suppose I were to take all the funds I have been given by 1000  average individuals who live within my district and rent a space in the park for 2 hrs.and build a small stage..Let's say 5000 people showed up to support my run for state senate as an Independent candidate.
   Then suppose a very wealthy individual decides he will run for the same office. He drops a million dollars into his campaign fund and encourages 3 wealthy  friends from out of state to contribute. He then makes calls to three large political organizations and the head of his national political party. He  makes promises to them all..They agree to support him without consulting anyone else, and contribute. He then hires a political hack to dig up dirt on me. In total including his wife 10 people support his campaign for state senate, compared to the 5000 who support me.
   The wealthy candidate then buys air time on all the local tv and radio stations and produces commercials  explaining to the voters how dangerous, corrupt and extreme I am. He then leaves for vacation and comes back to campaign a month before the elections.. This may sound incredible but something like it is played out over and over in our current system. The way we allow political campaigns to be funded limits free speech, and is inherently unfair. To allow anyone to contribute other than individual voters is a corruption of the process..To not set a limit on how much any individual voter can contribute is to limit the free speech of those who happen not to be wealthy, or refuse to make promises to individuals or organizations.
           NO contributions allowed from outside the jurisdiction of the people being represented!
           NO contributions allowed  from any source other than an individual voter of that jurisdiction!
           NO contributions allowed over a set amount; so not to limit the free speech of the poor!
           NO contributions allowed by any organization of any kind for any reason period!
   Anything less than this in my opinion, is a form of political tyranny.....In interest of full disclosure, I am a registered Republican who believes himself to be a moderate, Conservative..If you believe this idea has merit, please feel free to share it with others. Thank You

Friday, November 5, 2010

Where Do We Go From Here : Some Post Election Thoughts

  I think a good place to start is; for all of us to recognize, even those with whom we disagree politically, deserve to be heard , and to be represented in Washington. That coincides with the knowledge that those who we  think are ignoring an important moral precept or Biblical command, most likely think the same of  us.
  The Civil War documentary on PBS a few years ago focused on letters of soldiers and leaders. They prayed to the same God and revered the same holy book. Yet they came to make different stands on the issue of slavery.
  We often view politics and religion through the prism of  the culture, and beliefs we were exposed to in our youth. The views we find so repugnant and foreign, can be something the other believes to be perfectly rational or moral. This is not to say all views are morally equal. Just as one side was wrong and the other right in the slavery issue; many of the issues that are debated to day are not morally neutral. That being said, many of our differences are based upon what problems need the most emphasis and/or how to address them.
   Martin Luther is widely regarded as the father of Protestant Reformation. He was asked about the importance of the religious beliefs of the king. His answer was, " I would rather be ruled by a wise Turk than a foolish Christian". That insight could be applied in all directions. If you are an Atheist you are better off with a wise Christian than a foolish Atheist etc. I am a Christian and would like to have the best of both worlds. A wise Christian with a profound and thorough understanding of how to govern and Biblical precepts. The reason I have pursued this line of thought; is because too often I see the attitude; if a politician does not agree 100% with my views, they need to be subverted or ruined , certainly not prayed for. That mindset can be terribly detrimental to both your own and your nations interest. We often try to ruin a leader and  replace them with someone that may agree with an issue dear to us, but be totally unfit to govern. Until our Savior returns we will not be ruled in perfection.
   There are core values that need to be applied when choosing a candidate, I apply them myself.  Many people on both sides of the abortion issue use it as a litmus test for all candidates. When someone that does not share my views on an issue I think is very important, wins the election;  I do not view it as my responsibility to destroy them. I feel my obligation is; to take my views to the public square and convince my countrymen that my views have merit.
   It is much easier to slander and ridicule those you disagree with, than putting forth an argument that will change minds and elections. I doubt very much if any elected officials read my blog, but if  they did, I would tell them ........ Whether I voted for you or agree with you on every issue it does not matter..You have my heart felt prayers and best wishes. In the areas we disagree I will work fairly and honestly to change your mind and/or the voter's  perception of the issue..I will end with a quote from a famous theologian.... In the essentials charity, in the non essentials liberty.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Evolution of Global Warming..

    A few years ago I was watching a PBS news program. Some of the guests were discussing global warming and evolution in a political context. The inference was made that one's beliefs concerning evolution, and global warming should be a litmus test applied to a political candidate, to determine their fitness to govern. I am not an expert on global warming, however I am well versed in the evolution vs. creation debate. The statements made on that show confirmed something I had long suspected. Evolution  is as much about politics as it is about science. Politics are about world view more than anything else. There is nothing that shapes a person's world view more than their views on religion.
    It became painfully obvious as the program progressed,  the political journalists who were willing to have a science based litmus test applied to politicians, knew almost nothing about science in general,and even less about where their assumptions originated . In the early 1980s I began a process of trying to educate myself in as many different disciplines as possible. Science was one of the first. All though I am not credentialed I know the subject and when someone else doesn't. A couple of years ago I revisited the study of evolution. I read as many new books and articles on the subject as I could . I listened to lectures and debates online.Very little had changed..People are still repeating the same slogans and using examples, and studies that have been proven false or even to be hoaxes. There is still very little consensus other than the belief that evolution must have happened..
   If I were to claim to be an expert in any subject, it would have to be history. Evolutionary theory existed long before Darwin wrote his treatise on the origins of species. Western thought historically was  based upon philosophy, reason and theology. Theology in the context of the study of both the Biblical Creator and His creation. As the British empire expanded it was exposed to pagan and eastern thought. Those who either rejected or were uneducated in western thought began to incorporate pagan and eastern thought into their world view. Part of that being; the worship of creation and not the Creator.Your world view determines: what facts you accept or reject, what truth you will ignore or live out, and what lies you will believe or refute.
  Darwin's evolutionary theory if anything was inherently racist . If any disagree, I challenge you to read his work in it's unedited entirety. As a student of history this one thing I am certain; Evolutionary thought is responsible for much of the brutality of colonialism; and in my opinion if evolution had not been accepted as a legitimate explanation of origins. Marx and Hitler would have had no following among the educated class..The premise they built their entire political theory upon was, unequivocally, humans evolved from a lesser species. These two political theories alone have been responsible for as many as 300 million deaths by murder, war and starvation.
   What this has to do with global warming is this. Many people in the intelligentsia of western thought are wondering if those, who want us to base our political actions and views upon global warming, are not promoting another impostor like evolution in the scientific community. The jury is still out on whether, like evolution, global warming is a pseudo-science promoted by those who worship the creation and reject the Biblical  Creator. I am skeptical, but good, solid scientific evidence, not based upon a pagan world view could  convince me.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A state government and free market partnership may be the answer to healthcare..

 While talking to someone in management where I worked in the 1980s. I was informed on how much it cost the company to insure just one worker..Although it would be considered a paltry sum by today's standards. I was appalled. I told them that there was know way that could be sustained in the long run. I remember saying if we do not find another way to fund health insurance that many if not most companies will be forced to move factories and facilities to places where there were no expectations of employers to provide health insurance.
   I will admit that is not the sole purpose many of our jobs have ended up over seas and many of our companies have trouble competing. However it certainly one of the main reasons.
    Lack of insurance is one of the top 3 reasons for bankruptcy and foreclosure in this nation. It is the single greatest reason in this nation for cancer deaths that could have been prevented by early detection.. It is the main reason poor children have more health problems and lack dental and eye care. Lack of insurance is one the greatest causes of human suffering !
     I  do think there is a way the government could solve this problem in a way that most people on both the left and right could live with.. Before anyone immediately dismisses me as a kook hear me out please . Vouchers !!
If vouchers could be obtained to shop for the best private insurance that could be found the free market could be used to reduce cost. The vouchers would be given to the destitute for free..The working poor and middle class would pay according to their ability. If there were those who choose not to participate such as the very young or very rich they could for a small fee opt out..The very rich do not always stay rich and the very young do not ever stay young. The fee charged to them would act as insurance for them in times when they need to opt in.. The fee would not have to be punitive because they are not using the vouchers..Those who chose to opt out either to buy a high end insurance plan or pay cash for services rendered would help drive down medical costs because drug companies hospitals and doctors could compete for their business in the free market, driving down cost..
  If this was done at the state level. States, Insurance companies, health care and pharmaceutical companies would be thrown into a free market situation. States would be competing for business an labor by offering the best plan or most options for the best price..States, Insurance and health care providers of all kinds would not be forced into an adversarial or dictatorial role..Businesses that can afford it could offer to pay for some or all of the price of  vouchers as a way to attract workers. Or they could hire more workers without worrying about insurance costs.
  If this was implemented  and the vouchers covered all basic non-elective health care needs of all kinds..There would not be the need for Medicare, Medicaid and the bureaucracy that goes with them.States could choose to subsidize or raise the cost of the price of the vouchers according to need and situation..
 All people would be able to be insured and it would be a great help to both large and small business..This is an idea that in my opinion has at least some merit and deserves some consideration.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

  I voted today.  Of all human endeavors politics is one of the most interesting and crucial pursuits. I hope not only my vote, but those of my countrymen were based upon the best interest of all. It has been my practice to pray for those who attain political office no matter whether I voted for them or not. Politics and policy are not easy subjects. So I do not demand a perfection of knowledge that I myself do not possess. However I believe honest and intelligent people with empathy for their fellowman can elect officials who given the right circumstances and information, are capable of doing the right thing no matter what party or political label they are branded with. That is one of the reasons that I pray earnestly for those who are elected. The other reason being, it is commanded in scriptures that the followers of Christ pray for those that are given the authority to govern us.
   My prayers are not blind obedience to any policy that an elected official suggests.  My prayer is that our leaders will not make foolish decisions and if they do they will be wise and honest enough to right the wrong.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Rules of engagement.

My name is Wes I am the creator of this blog. This site is intended to give people a place to express their opinions and beliefs without being insulted and misrepresented. I have posted some rules that I think will give everyone a fair shot at being heard. If the rules are not followed I will not change the post in part I will delete the post in it's entirety..

        1. No profanity or insults of any kind.
        2. No "straw men " No misrepresenting other's views. Because there are perceived flaws in other people's ideas does not make your position valid. Defend your own position and give rational reasons for that position. A diatribe against someone else's view is not helpful to them or to your own position.
         3. Keep your posts brief. No more than can be read without having to scroll too often to read the comment or post. You may finish your thought on another post but no more than two posts in a row without a comment or new post from someone else.
        4. This site is not about individuals but about Ideas and beliefs. We don't need names of people who may or may not share the views you ascribe to them. It is the views and ideas that are important.They need to be clarified and expounded on.

       Helpful Hint :  Be Civil, Kind, and Brief.. Saying certain people or most people or no people agree or disagree with your views is not a defense of your views..If history teaches us anything,  individuals no matter how credentialed or majorities no matter how large are wrong at the very least half of the time.

  Hopefully the majority of the posts will fall into these very interesting and provocative categories ..Politics, Religion , Culture and Science..

        Thank You....Now tell us what you believe and why !