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Top Stories Defend Your Position: WAR ....WHY GOD ?

Thursday, November 18, 2010


   Of all the things in this life that are hard to comprehend; why God allows there to be war is one of the most difficult to answer. God has in spite of man's propensity towards violence, chosen to let people be free to act in a way that is not in their best interest.To understand why, we have to look at the alternatives.
  God has made man in his own image in the sense, we are given the power to act out of our own volition. We are to free to choose to be kind and just, or cruel and self serving. That is what constitutes personal liberty. God has the power to be how ever He wants to be. God is good because he chooses to be; not because He  has not the power to do otherwise. He could have easily made us in the image of animals; they are governed by the laws of nature and instinct, and lack the power to do good or evil. God could have also made us into robots; programed to do exactly what we are told; not worthy of reward or punishment. Animals can crave and like things. Humans can hope for and appreciate things. Robots can do neither.
   The next obvious question is why doesn't God intervene in cases like war and catastrophe. My answer is; He does, more than we will ever know. Part of letting your children grow up and be free to become what they want to be; is to let them suffer the consequences of their own actions. Because we are all guilty of sins of commission and omission; our fate is intertwined with the fate of those around us. God has consistently warned individuals and nations; certain behavior produces certain results. When individuals and nations turn from that behavior and repent;  God always forgives, and very often intervenes; choosing  not to let man suffer the consequences of his actions. Other times, just like we do with our own children, or criminals, some behavior is so serious punishment has to be administered in the interest of justice, and detouring similar behavior.
   Before we blame God for allowing war or any human suffering for that matter. We need to remember there was no suffering of any kind before mankind sinned. The suffering we see to day is the result of all of our personal and collective sin. Disease, famine and war are the byproduct of our rebellion against our God. He could destroy anyone who disobeys Him. If He did who among us would survive? He could turn us all into instinct driven animals or programed robots. God could remove all children and repentant Christians so they did not have to ever suffer because of the sins of others anymore. But what kind of hopeless joyless world would be left behind? The Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation.
   What God has chosen to do is; to give mankind the liberty to love or hate Him, obey or rebel against Him.
God has given us the opportunity to behave heroically or demoniacally. We can make the world a better place, or self indulge. But be warned, our choices have very real and serious consequences; both now and eternally. He has given us the liberty to govern our own conduct. How we use that liberty is entirely up to us. God has not left us without hope or instruction. He has given us His written word; The Holy Bible, to instruct, warn, chastise and comfort us. God has also given His Son to pay for our sins and provide mercy even for the vilest offenders among us.
  Jesus Christ not only will one day rule us in perfection without any kind of sorrow. He has given us an opportunity NOW to let Him govern our conduct, and provide an example in such a way that we could alleviate much of the sorrow and misery around us..War is not God's fault it is ours; but God did not leave us without a remedy..

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