One of the things you learn early in life, is not all people will like or agree with you. No matter how honorable your intentions or convincing your argument, nor how right your cause; There are people who out of ignorance, malice, or envy will oppose you. What I have learned from experience is that God has always had my back, and reputation covered. There have been times when I have known people were for various reasons, trying to harm me or my reputation. Not being a rich or influential man, I had little recourse other than the belief that some day God would vindicate me. Fortunately I have lived long enough to wittiness the faithfulness of God. The Bible teaches those who have been wronged are not to return evil for evil and depend on God for justice. Those of us with limited influence have a champion In Jesus Christ.
The reward for doing right is not often immediate. Neither is the punishment for doing evil. Because Justice is often delayed it is not always apparent, that continuing to do good ,and refraining from evil is is the right choice.
When you know you are being mistreated or maligned in some way; it is hard not to strike back in the same manner. However we are taught by God, vengeance belongs to Him. Rest assured He will not leave us at the mercy of those who hate us
God has promised us, He will not forget our faithfulness or perseverance in obeying Him. He tells us," be not weary in well doing , for in due season you will reap if you faint not (quit)". As far as our enemies go; they are spreading a net and digging a pit that they themselves shall be caught in. Our Lord Jesus taught us to love and forgive our enemies; feed and clothe them if necessary; but never return evil for evil.. It might not look like it now. But I know from personal experience; GOD HAS GOT MY BACK and the back of every other faithful Christian.. There is a reward for doing right and rejecting evil. And this is promised to us by the one who vows to never leave or forsake us, even to the end of the world..
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