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Top Stories Defend Your Position: No One Wants To Be Hated

Friday, November 19, 2010

No One Wants To Be Hated

   The Bible teaches us it is always better to tell someone the truth; or say nothing at all, rather than to say the wrong their doing is right... The book of Proverbs has a haunting warning for us..( " He that saith to unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him. But to those who rebuke the wicked, happiness and blessing will be given to them"). The historical evidence for the veracity of this statement is undeniable.
    Those who justified or supported Stalin, Hitler or Mao. are at least partially responsible for the suffering and death of millions..At the time they thought they were on the cutting edge of sophisticated thought. So what was obviously wrong and contrary to Biblical teaching, was defended because of rebellion against God, or in order to avoid scorn. The world now holds them in utter contempt. And those that fought against them are regarded as heroes.
    Another example of historical infamy, are the people who started a terrible civil war, and those who justified them. The main reason being, so they could continue to engage in slavery. Many knowing in their heart of hearts; what the proponents of slavery stood for was in violation of everything the Bible taught and Christ commanded..If they knew anything else they certainly knew the golden rule; " treat others in the way you want to be treated."; or the, Sermon on the mount... Rather than call what was obviously wrong sin. They in rebellion, hatred or in order not to be ostracized by their neighbors, called what was wicked , righteous. They now occupy a despised place in history.
   One more example is how the early church turned from the teaching of the Bible and the authority of Christ; and turned to contrary opinions and the authority of corrupt church officials. The results were persecutions like the Spanish inquisition. Those who at the time defended the inquisitions and called the wickedness, righteousness; are now viewed as some of the most detested individuals in history. I could find hundreds of more examples in history where people called others who were obviously teaching or doing things contrary to what God and the Bible taught, righteous. The result is always the same. When people call wrong right; they always become in the end, despised examples of shame..
   There is an unshakable truth that threads throughout all of human history. It is expressed in, Proverbs 21 verse 30..("There is no wisdom, nor understanding, nor counsel against the Lord.)... Almost every subject I have studied has examples of people who thought they knew better than God. They gathered and corrupted supporters, and without exception they ruined themselves along with others, and were guaranteed to be despised by their own and subsequent generations.
   Before I go on I want to differentiate between remaining temporarily silent about wickedness, and supporting or encouraging wickedness. We live in a dangerous and corrupt world we have to pick our battles. We can not spend all our time and effort correcting and condemning everybody else. We have to work and take care of our families. Some people need our love and patience before they need our opinion or correction. There are places too dangerous to openly oppose the wicked. This is expressed in the Biblical teaching that warns us, "Do not be over much evil. Why should you destroy thyself".  There are Biblical examples of God's people quietly and cautiously picking their battles; yet refusing to call the wicked, righteous.
   The main reason people fall into the trap of calling wicked people or wicked things righteous; is they think too highly of men. The Bible teaches there is no man that will not sin for a piece of bread..If we are faced with believing the Bible or believing everyone else,; always believe the Bible. The apostle Paul warned the Romans; "Let God be true and every man a liar". I can not think of one example in history where someone who rebelled against God and the Bible, did not bring sorrow and suffering on themselves and others.
   If history is any indication; if we knowingly call those who are doing wickedness, righteous; our prognosis is not good. We will ruin ourselves, others and be hated for the misery we have wrought in the world... The only people that are calling the wicked of past generations righteous are the wicked of this generation.. Those of us that encourage others to ignore God and do wickedly in the end will be hated by the very ones we are encouraging to do wrong and calling righteous..Those of us who rebuke and warn the wicked and turn them from certain destruction; will be adored and loved by the very ones we are accused of hating..

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