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Top Stories Defend Your Position: A Biblical Perspective On Leadership.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Biblical Perspective On Leadership.

  There are so many voices vying for our allegiance these days it is imperative to have a method of sifting the wheat from the chaff. In a nation founded upon religious and political liberty, the decision is one we are allowed to make for ourselves. We are commanded by the Christian scriptures to obey existing laws, and pay our taxes. However we are not bound to obey laws, or lawmakers that try to force us to deny the tenets of our faith. There are Biblical principles that can be applied to determine if another person is fit to lead others. Forcing others to disobey or disavow the Biblical Christ is a good indication that the person is not worthy of your support and allegiance.
   Whenever I mention Christ in public I try to qualify it by using the phrase, Biblical Christ. The reason being many who claim to be Christians, deny the Biblical account of His life; and/or the instructions He gave us in scripture. This is a very important distinction. If someone rejects the Biblical account of Jesus. They can attribute to Jesus any teaching or attribute no matter how bizarre or detrimental to others. This also happens unintentionally by those who believe the Bible to be true, but are ignorant of it's content.
   When choosing to follow and submit to a spiritual leader, a slightly different approach is taken then when choosing a political leader. The number of choices we have when choosing a political leader are much more limited than when we choose a spiritual leader. I am a person who believes there is a  natural or universal moral law that is common to all mankind. The choices we have may be limited; but many Godly attributes are commonly understood by all. We are all made in the Image of God. So we have an innate ability to do good to and for our fellowman. Even a non Christian can exhibit admirable qualities. I say this to make the point that many of the same standards we would use to find a Christian leader are applicable when choosing a political one. But many are not.
   Perfection is a unattainable goal for any earthly leader. Perfect knowledge can be pursued but not obtained in this life. Many people have an all or nothing approach to leadership. If a leader contradicts even part of what they believe to be true. They reject them entirely, and feel they are not obligated to support or pray for them even in areas where they are right. Understanding the limitations human leaders are bound by, is the first step in choosing a good one. We need leaders to learn in areas they are ignorant..We need leaders to change in areas they are wrong. This is far more important than constantly changing or trying to depose leaders..That is why prayer for those in leadership is so critical..The Bible teaches , "The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, He turns it where ever He chooses". There is hope.
    I have noticed in my study of both political and church history. Many who are unreasonable and belligerent toward any kind of authority, be it public or ecclesiastical.  Usually end up being ruled by demagogues and dictators. Leaders and leadership is not only necessary, but can actually be a gift. They can protect society or congregations by punishing the unscrupulous and rewarding the diligent. If we are fortunate enough to be able to choose our leaders. We need to know what qualities a good and just leader should possess.
   Rather than quoting scripture chapter and verse to build a criteria; I will paraphrase what I believe the Bible teaches to be necessary qualities and right actions of leaders. First and foremost they must do themselves what they demand of others. They must know their mandate is to serve not to dominate or use. They need to have a self awareness of their own fallibility. Being merciful and patient stems from knowing you are no more perfect or infallible than those who have chosen you to lead. In a more perfect world my criteria for all leaders in any position would be. A intimate knowledge of The Biblical God and His Christ;  a profound knowledge of what is true and good as revealed in the Holy Bible; and a history of living and governing according to what is contained therein.

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