Eschatology is the study of what is commonly known in Christianity as, the last days or end times. When I was about 12 years old I had gotten a hold of some pamphlets and recordings dealing with this issue. Not knowing that there are many differing opinions dealing with this subject. I took what was being said at face value. The authors and speakers in the material where prophesying the end was certain and very near, not more than a year or two away at the very most. It was around 1970 at the time. This was beginning to affect how I began to behave and think..My teacher after handing back a test that I had scored 100% ask me to go out into the hall so she could talk to me..She said I had aced every test and classroom assignment she had thrown at me: but could not give me a good grade on my report card. Because I had not handed in even one piece of homework, or taken a single book home the entire year. She ask me why. My response was. The world is not gong to last more than a couple of years at best, so what's the use.
Eschatology matters, it effects how we view our country our church and even our future. I have heard end times prophets declaring that our nation, according to them, was the great whore of Babylon spoken about in the book of Revelation. Others say it is Islam the Catholic church, Atheism, or Paganism.. Every new president, pontiff or charismatic world leader is a potential anti-Christ. I am not saying this to mock Christianity, the Bible or even the very important study of eschatology. I am a Christian,ordained minister and former pastor. The problem is not eschatology in its self. The problem is eschatology that is based upon conjecture, opinion, and fear; and not the serious, disciplined study of the Biblical text.
Errors or conjecture is not limited to any certain church or political point of view. I have heard Ronald Reagan called the anti-Christ as often as I have heard that president Obama is. I am not going to launch into some lengthy discourse on what is Biblical and sound eschatology. I am going to give some, what I believe to be sound principles to sort through the many different opinions. I also want to show how a proper understanding of eschatology can positively effect American Politics.
The first thing that needs to be dealt with is, the notion that someone can know when Christ will return to take His church out of the world ( rapture ). The Bible teaches the mysteries of the 7 year tribulation will not be revealed until the rapture takes place. This is the catalyst for the Biblical end time punishment known as the Great Tribulation. Christ clearly stated no one but His Father, the God of the Holy Bible knows. He and His apostles taught that the proper mindset was to be morally prepared so it would never take you off guard; and to work to make the world you live in a better place for your children. Because there is a chance Christ will not return in our life time. In my opinion both of these approaches need to be applied or our society begins to deteriorate.
As a former pastor I know there are those who believe there is no rapture of the church, or it has already happened or will happen later and the great tribulation is already upon us. This view can not be supported by Biblical revelation and leads to terror and gross speculation about who the anti-Christ is and how the mark of the beast will be given. I have read the books of those who hold this view and listened to their argument. I have no other way to put it. They are dead wrong. Some of them think too highly of themselves and too little of others. Some are often mean and disruptive when they attend church. This problem has plagued the church since the apostle Paul kicked two men out of the early church for teaching the rapture was missed and the great tribulation was already upon them. If the two men had been right, the Bible teaches the tribulation period is to last only seven years. There would be no reason to try to make our society a better place for our children; and every leader and organization is suspect and dangerous. What I usually tell those who are genuinely confused about this issue is. If people who you know to be faithful Christians, and persons under the age of accountability, mentally or physically, are still here. You have not missed the boat! There is hope for you personally and still hope we can make this a better place in the future.
There are two major camps we can divide American Christian thought into; Evangelical and Liberal.
The Liberal camp does not believe the Bible to be divinely inspired and accurate. So they focus on social issues and not personal moral ones . This is reflected in their political affiliations. I would say to those with this bent. Society will not be appreciably better until individuals are morally better. The Evangelical camp is a mixed bag that can go to extremes in either direction. To only focus on personal moral issues is to ignore the very real human suffering we have in our power to alleviate. Since we do not know when our Savior is going to return. We are obligated to give our children a better society and government than what we have inherited..Often the Evangelical camp does not demand that their politics include solutions to human misery such as disease and poverty. Whether the misery is caused by happenstance or behavior it doesn't really matter. We need to have our politicians to address it. We also are commanded to do what we can ourselves.
If you do not believe there is a Biblical God who will hold us morally accountable for our personal conduct. You do not have a lasting solution to human misery. The Biblical God not only promises mercy and salvation in His Son Jesus Christ. He promises to alleviate the misery caused by fear, guilt and an inability to change behaviors that cause suffering to us, and others. What we believe about the future and after life has everything to do with politics. Our views on eschatology are critical to how we behave right now. Both morally and politically.
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