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Top Stories Defend Your Position: Is Personal Wealth Evidence Of Divine Favor.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Personal Wealth Evidence Of Divine Favor.

   This a complex question, there are Biblical examples one could use on either side of the argument. There is Abraham who was born into a prosperous family. Then increased his wealth many fold. His son Issac inherited the wealth while his son Jacob became poor after he left Canaan, then became rich afterwards. Moses was born a slave, raised as a prince and became a penniless fugitive. Prophets and apostles have been very rich and extremely poor. We have John The Baptist, Jesus, and a group of poor fishermen. King David was born a poor shepherd and became a King. Solomon was blessed by God and became the wealthiest man of his age. He then turned his back on God and died in splendor.
  There are passages in the Bible if not taken in context and without the knowledge of the entire Bible; could be used to make the argument that all the faithful will be made rich. Other passages could be used to make the case only the poor and down and out have God's favor and blessing. The Old Testament instructs the faithful on the principles and habits needed to acquire and maintain wealth.While warning about the futility and vanity of earthly possessions. In the book of James we are warned about favoring and pampering the rich at the expense of the poor.  Because God has chosen the poor who are rich in faith.We are told the rich blaspheme God and are incessantly dragging the poor into courts to take what little they have. In other places in the new Testament extremely wealthy Christians are regarded as heroes. They protected and provided for the apostles. They also fed and clothed entire persecuted congregations.
   There are two passages from the Bible that express what I believe to be a summary of what our view should be; and what God has promised us concerning prosperity. Proverbs 30 verses 8-9 " Remove far from me vanity and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me, Lest I be full, and deny thee and say, Who is the Lord? Or lest I be poor and steal, and bring dishonor  to your name". King David reflected on God's providence in   Psalms 37 verse 25-26.  I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor their seed begging bread. They are ever merciful, and lendeth, and their seed is blessed.
   The Bible gives principles and commands that tell us how to be successful in any endeavor we choose. The promises of God are not open ended they are given to those who faithfully obey Him in all walks of life. No matter how much we give hoping for a return . If we are not obeying scripture in other facets of our life.The only thing a large amount of money would do, is make it easier and quicker for us destroy ourselves. David said "I have not seen the "RIGHTEOUS" forsaken. God is not an enabler for those who want wealth to self indulge. He is a helper to those who love and obey Him. There is a reward for the righteous who are mercifully generous, but it is not based on % or compulsion. Even before Christ fulfilled the law that included tithing; God still demanded giving for the right reasons.. It is based upon compassion, recognizing need and voluntarily being obedient, not a desire for wealth
    Sadly there are those in Christendom who in their attempt to solicit donations do not teach the entire Biblical perspective on wealth. Many are fabulously wealthy and constantly brag about how much they have. They attribute it to their unique, superior spirituality. They constantly repeat the scripture ( give and it shall be given to you ); then try to put their followers back under the law in attempt to convince them to give a tenth of their income. All the while ignoring the scripture Proverbs 22 verse 16 that warns; " He that oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and,  HE THAT GIVETH TO THE RICH SHALL SURELY COME TO WANT".. They do not encourage giving out of compassion and the needs of those in misery. They prey upon peoples desire to be rich. And the quickest way to that end, is to have them to donate before they leave the building or turn off the TV.  Fortunately there are a lot more honest Christians asking for donations to feed and clothe the poor as well as bringing the hope and mercy of the gospel..
   The Bible does teach Christians how to succeed,  to acquire and maintain wealth... Diligence, sobriety, control of anger, honesty, fairness, hard work, attention to details , controlling your tongue, and hospitality are just a few. Merciful generosity towards those less fortunate is also a very big part of that. The command to give your money to a rich man for the sole purpose of becoming rich yourself,  is no where to be found in scripture...

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