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Top Stories Defend Your Position: The Evolution of Global Warming..

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Evolution of Global Warming..

    A few years ago I was watching a PBS news program. Some of the guests were discussing global warming and evolution in a political context. The inference was made that one's beliefs concerning evolution, and global warming should be a litmus test applied to a political candidate, to determine their fitness to govern. I am not an expert on global warming, however I am well versed in the evolution vs. creation debate. The statements made on that show confirmed something I had long suspected. Evolution  is as much about politics as it is about science. Politics are about world view more than anything else. There is nothing that shapes a person's world view more than their views on religion.
    It became painfully obvious as the program progressed,  the political journalists who were willing to have a science based litmus test applied to politicians, knew almost nothing about science in general,and even less about where their assumptions originated . In the early 1980s I began a process of trying to educate myself in as many different disciplines as possible. Science was one of the first. All though I am not credentialed I know the subject and when someone else doesn't. A couple of years ago I revisited the study of evolution. I read as many new books and articles on the subject as I could . I listened to lectures and debates online.Very little had changed..People are still repeating the same slogans and using examples, and studies that have been proven false or even to be hoaxes. There is still very little consensus other than the belief that evolution must have happened..
   If I were to claim to be an expert in any subject, it would have to be history. Evolutionary theory existed long before Darwin wrote his treatise on the origins of species. Western thought historically was  based upon philosophy, reason and theology. Theology in the context of the study of both the Biblical Creator and His creation. As the British empire expanded it was exposed to pagan and eastern thought. Those who either rejected or were uneducated in western thought began to incorporate pagan and eastern thought into their world view. Part of that being; the worship of creation and not the Creator.Your world view determines: what facts you accept or reject, what truth you will ignore or live out, and what lies you will believe or refute.
  Darwin's evolutionary theory if anything was inherently racist . If any disagree, I challenge you to read his work in it's unedited entirety. As a student of history this one thing I am certain; Evolutionary thought is responsible for much of the brutality of colonialism; and in my opinion if evolution had not been accepted as a legitimate explanation of origins. Marx and Hitler would have had no following among the educated class..The premise they built their entire political theory upon was, unequivocally, humans evolved from a lesser species. These two political theories alone have been responsible for as many as 300 million deaths by murder, war and starvation.
   What this has to do with global warming is this. Many people in the intelligentsia of western thought are wondering if those, who want us to base our political actions and views upon global warming, are not promoting another impostor like evolution in the scientific community. The jury is still out on whether, like evolution, global warming is a pseudo-science promoted by those who worship the creation and reject the Biblical  Creator. I am skeptical, but good, solid scientific evidence, not based upon a pagan world view could  convince me.

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