We can all find something to complain about when it comes to biased news reporting. So I will start out on a positive note. We are very blessed to live in a country with multiple media outlets. We are free, for the most part, to express our views and have them reflected in multiple media sources and mediums. However sorting through them to determine what is the unbiased, straight forward, presentation of the facts; is another issue entirely. Far too often what we get is, a distortion that is generated by the opinions of the person delivering the news. As long as we occupy this side of heaven. Human nature is not going to change much. However I do believe there are things we can all do to remedy a lot of what ails our news media.
All constructive change needs leaders. Leaders who are aware or their own humanity and are willing to safeguard others from it's detrimental tendencies. Leadership can come from top or bottom. It's only qualification is; to be willing to do the right and honest thing when we are neither compelled by others to do so, or applauded by others for doing so. A free press by definition can not be forced to be fair or cautious when delivering or choosing news stories. Change that is lasting and effective comes from within. This is true for organizations as much as it is for individuals. A news outlet that has the sole purpose of promoting one point of view at the expense of those who do not share it. Is acting contrary to, or even squandering the liberty granted to them.
When efforts are made to give an accurate assessment of the views or facts not compatible with our own opinion. All sides win. When the agenda is to shed as much positive light on our own view and to portray counter opinions in a negative way. News reporting turns into a 3 ring circus; with the ring that makes the most noise getting the most attention. When news becomes about the opinion of the one delivering it. It ceases to be news.
I have seen people with little more than a degree in journalism berating and badgering "guests" who were credentialed experts in their field. Simply because the expert's view did not reflect their own. I have seen so called "journalists" mock and question the intelligence of politicians that have excelled, and graduated from top universities. While the person hurling the insults, did not have the grades, scores or discipline to even be accepted there. I have seen " journalists " in interviews show contempt and hatred for a freely elected official of the people; for no other reason than they did not share the journalist's politics or religion. Many news programs that focus on political issues are no more than a place where guests that are allowed to talk or expound, must parrot the views of the host. Those who do not share the views of the host are constantly interrupted and lectured on the proper way to think or govern. Many times guest are asked the same question over and over. Not to gain information; but to score debate points or to grind a political or religious ax.
Journalism by definition is to record what ACTUALLY happened ,or what someone ACTUALLY said, or what someone ACTUALLY does. It is not to record what the journalist wanted to happen or how they wish someone else to appear to others. To stack or omit information to promote a personal agenda is antithetical to what a journalist's job should be in a truly free press.
All human heroes are flawed. What makes people heroes is not that they have no frailty. They are heroes because they put aside their own self interest and make an effort to do what is right, fair and best for others. We need heroes in the media, just like every other walk of life. Not to champion our own beliefs; but to champion the cause of truth no matter where it might be found. We need the media to inform us not to indoctrinate us. We need to know about facts, ideas and events..We do not need to know the opinions, political or otherwise of journalists..We all have opinions that we revere every bit as much as a journalist does his own. For Journalists to promote their own opinion at the expense of any other, is dishonest and unprofessional.
If you think these ideas have merit. Feel free to share them; with a Journalist perhaps.
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