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Top Stories Defend Your Position: What About Beer ? .......I Like IT......And Am Willing To Defend My Position

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What About Beer ? .......I Like IT......And Am Willing To Defend My Position

 The Bible teaches God hath made the earth and all good things in it. Psalm 104 , verse 15 tells us He also" made the wine that maketh glad the heart of  man and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengthens men's heart. It is reported that Ben Franklin once said ..(.My paraphrase)..I know God loves mankind because He gave us beer....The Bible teaches us in Proverbs, " Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine to those who are heavy of heart..Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more..I am also aware of the Bibles warnings about over indulgence, and the lure it has on those who lack self control..
   As a person that has had his share of both poverty and misery, as I am sure many of you have..I am the last guy that wants to forbid a poor working guy from having a beer and a smoke..My view is what is done in moderation, legally and with regard to others. Is quite frankly their own business..I really enjoy having a couple of beers with friends and family ..As a professing Christan who does not want to cause others to stumble, I would like to add.. When I was not mature enough to drink responsibly; I quit until I had more self control. I haven't been drunk sense. I smoke to calm me when the sorrows and regrets of the past overtake me. I also use it as a break from tedious intensive study . Tobacco clears and refreshes my mind. However if I do not have good genetics, just as is the case with food, even what I consume in moderation may effect my health. But I know God is primarily concerned about the content of my heart and the purity of my mind..
   Christianity teaches, our salvation is not based on how long we live down here. Or what we eat or consume. Salvation rests upon acknowledging and repenting of our sin; and believing and asking Jesus Christ to save us ..We are kept in the fold and are able to overcome our ever occurring weakness by a relationship with Jesus the Christ ( Messiah)  until the very end of the life down here. Jesus said in Matthew 11 28-30..Come unto me, all ye heavy laden, and I will give you rest..Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest for your souls..For my yoke is easy and my burden light.

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